I left him! I need some support.

So some of you will have read the rant thread and know what's happening.
But for others who don't..I have been in a relationship with an emotional abuser. And tonight I finally finished it.

It's 6 months today since we got together and it's also his birthday tomorrow but everything came to a head tonight.

I know I've done the right thing but I feel bad.

I just need to know I did the right thing:(

You are strong. You are amazing. You deserve a partner who respects you.

Virtual hugs and support from me in spades.

Hi delilahxx

I haven't read the rant thread, but emotional abuse which plays with your mind and your feelings, and promotes feelings of anxiety, is plain wrong...you musnt feel bad, you are well shot of him. I am sure you will move on and meet someone who treats you properly, and who truly loves and respects you. Sending you big hugs xxxx

Listen don't ever feel bad for looking out for yourself especially when someone is emotionally abusing you everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect love and loyalty if you weren't getting them then it wasn't worth it well done to you be brace and strong things happen for a reason and that's for something or someone better to be in your life chin up Hun 😘

Brave sorry x

D - I had no idea any of this was going on. I rarely appear on here so I've just caught up with everything. I am gutted things are panning out this way but I 100% think you have made the right decision. No man should make you feel like this - you are not his property nor owned by him to let him treat you that way and shame on him for thinking he can. Please stick with your decision as I fear for you if he is behaving like this after only 6 months.

Stay safe - don't be a stranger Xxx <3

Any relationship is about decency and respect at the core.you deserve a lot better.be strong xxxx

You've got it sweetheart, hugs and more I'm very proud of you well done, now practical stuff, block him on every device, then if you can tomorrow go shopping with a friend for support and treat yourself. You've had a lucky escape remember tonight as the first night of the rest of your life, hugs again.

Your a lovely lady x you did the right thing x

Nobody deserves to be controlled and abused in that way. You have been clever enough to spot the signs early and brave enough to get out while you can. Sending squishy booby hugs!

I did see your posts on the rants thread I feel you have made the right decision and how ever hard it is to do you need to stick to your decision and not let him change your mind.

100% right decision. Dont look back because emotional abuse imho is much worse than physical - cuts and bruises heal emotional scars can last a lifetime. You'd end up unable to make a decision for yourself as falling into the trap of being controlled.

I'm super proud of you hunni, it must of been really hard to acknowledge and leave him but it's absolutely the right decision. Stay safe and big hugs 😙💗xx

Don't feel bad at all! Emotional abuse is horrible and literally pushes you down and makes you feel like shit, no one should be subjected to it. You should be so proud of yourself having the strength and confidence to end it! Go you girl 💖! Stay strong and big hugs 💖 you deserve someone who respects and loves you, not abuses you xxx

I agree you have done the right thing! Rember you were strong and independent before you met him, therefore now you are even stronger for going through everything and coming out the other side! Think of all the possitives about you because there are soo many! This is now your time to shine and bask in your own light instead of someone else's shadow! Everyone needs someone who can boost them and push them to be the best they can be and that works both in and out a relationship! Your friends are your greatest support and pillars for you to stand on! You have a great load of friends here to who will Always support you and help you out of you need it!
Much love and many hugs
James and Baily

delilahxx wrote:

So some of you will have read the rant thread and know what's happening.
But for others who don't..I have been in a relationship with an emotional abuser. And tonight I finally finished it.

It's 6 months today since we got together and it's also his birthday tomorrow but everything came to a head tonight.

I know I've done the right thing but I feel bad.

I just need to know I did the right thing:(

Haven't read your thread, but you've made the right choice for you!

To pluck up the courage and know your worth says it all! Not one female or male should be abused EVER in any sense of the word! Relationships should only ever consist of 2 people whom respect and love each other full stop! The fact, after 6 months of taking the abuse, and being level headed enough to put an end to it, speaks volumes Hun. Soooo many people make up excuses and blame there selves for being treated badly! And allow the vicious cycle to continue, with the delusional thought that they'll someday change!!! Which never happens. When a person thinks they have the right to mistreat and degrade another is, for me, disgusting! To do that is a clear sign of their insecurities, and to deliberately hurt someone they (supposedly) care for to make them feel better, is beyond me!

You hung in there for 6 months, before calling it a day!

I cannot commend you enough for not letting it continue 6 years!

DO NOT feel bad, quite the opposite... You should feel strong, empowered and be content in the fact that you deserve a real man!

Well done lovely, you go girl 👏🙌💪 xx

delilahxx wrote:

So some of you will have read the rant thread and know what's happening.
But for others who don't..I have been in a relationship with an emotional abuser. And tonight I finally finished it.

It's 6 months today since we got together and it's also his birthday tomorrow but everything came to a head tonight.

I know I've done the right thing but I feel bad.

I just need to know I did the right thing:(

Finding the right person for you usually means a little pain on the wag. I see to many people settle for some one that's just not right for them. Then wonder what issues and unhappiness will they face in the future.

It takes a strong open minded person to say no this is not right for me and move on.

Still hurts though I know. Lots of hugs here and support babe xxx

Delila, you have Definately done the right thing. You spotted the early signs of what could have become a very dangerouse situation. Credit to you and for having the strength to walk away. Too many people (it's not always women) stay hoping things will change or it was only once, and it all to easily end in A&E or real mental and emotional damage.

We are behind you all the way. Don't ever feel alone, and don't even think about going back. I have a strict no going back policy. You are immensely strong and brave and Im so pleased you have put your own mental physical and emotional health first.

p.s. Don't forget to change your Lovehoney postal address. People might want to send you little gifts of support. 

That's what abusers do, make the victim feel bad about themselves. Shouldn't feel bad about leaving someone who think it's acceptable to treat someone with no respect. You deserve better!

I have read your post and think that you are doing the right thing !

No one deserves to make you feel that way, and over time it would probably get worse!

You are strong and will get through this ! you will find the right person for you every one deserves to be happy xxx

You've definitely made the right decision. Sounds like it's time to focus on making yourself happy. Sending lots of love.