To all who were concerned

I'd like to say a massive thankyou to you who gave me great advice, help and support about me and OH we haven't really spoke. But we are going to go for a meal. Not in the same place I had to cancel my table. But still a meal. I thought I would make a thread instead of trying to tell you all individually.

This meal is going to make or break everything. We are both hot headed and we are both stubborn. But the way he ignored my safe words and the way he treats and speaks to me are unforgiveable. He has left me broken hearted, feeling worthless and used so many times. I don't fancy allowing it to happen again. So this will be the last time we try again if we choose to do so.

I have to take myself, my safety and my sanity into consideration. As well as the fact that I have a beautiful 2 year old daughter who doesn't deserve to see mummy upset.

I've struggled with many mental health problems all my life. Some of which occured after I was sexually assaulted at 14 by a man who got jailed. (Non friend or family related) and when he ignored my use of safe words it definitely sent me into a state of anxiety and depression. 2 problems I know all too well. I have also been in sexually, physically and mentally abusive relationships. And I do not intend on being in one again.

So again. To all of you lovely people who have supported me (not just today, but in all my days on these forums) I am so so so thankful because you guys/gals and my daughter. Have been my rocks. I love you all soooo much. And thankyou again! I look forward to many more happy years at Lovehoney.

*hugs and kisses you all individually* I honestly wouldn't know how to deal with things without all the community and the wonderful staff.

Big hugs. Mwah!

Thank you for the update, sounds like a sound decision to speak over a meal and talk as calmly as possible about what you need from the relationship. Virtual hugs and positive vibes coming your way.

Best of luck I hope everything works out for you

Sounds like you are having a really tough time. Look after yourself. Don't let people trample all over your heart.

Thank you sweeeties. I really do appreciate all the support I've received from everyone here! Every time something has popped up and troubled me in life you guys have all helped me. X

Hope it goes well, don't hold back k? He needs to know exactly how out of order he has been.

Good luck and stay safe! <3

Sending you massive hugs, you are a really lovely lady so take care of yourself.

I hope you can work everything out the best way for you and your daughter xxx

I will keep you all up to date on what is said tonight! You're all like my crew :3 you're all fabulous and have advised so well! Mwah mwah mwah xxxxx

Hope everything turns out the way you want it to but he really doesn't sound like he deserves you x

I know, he doesn't. He knows so too.

It's difficult. Because we can be too hot headed for our own good! Haha! We clash because although I'm a submissive in the bedroom. I am incredibly dominant outside of it :') x

Just remember girlie stand your ground! You strong enough and couragoues enough to do this. We all will stand by ehat ever you too choose but please br in future be on your gaurd and cautious with bedroom experiments .no one wants to see you hurt. Also have fun you deserve ot sweety :)

Sending you lots of hugs Kinks. I really hope tonight turns out the best for you. You really have to put yourself and your little one first. We are all here for you Hun xxx

P.S.  I totally know where your coming from, I'm totally submissive in the bedroom too, but in everyday work & life I am such a control freak - lol xx

Good luck for tonight and as others said, stand your ground.
I am unaware of what all has been happening but calmly tell him how you have been feeling, how he has treated you and what needs to change.
There is never no harm in trying but remember to do what is best for you. X

Thanks for this update - we're all concerned because we care about you so very much. Hope you can get whatever you need out of tonight - a meal on neutral ground is sensible. Please, please, please if you and your oh decide to give this one last try, make sure he really understands how much he's hurt you and what he's put you through. You are a beautiful and courageous young woman with great spirit which it would be heartbreaking to watch someone destroy xx

Just echoing what everyone has said, and I hope tonight goes the right way for you both (but mainly you and your daughter) x

I've had people change me for the worse and I promise you all it won't happen again. I have arrived at the meal destination. And we will commence chatting asap.

He will be in for a shock. Because I do tend to hold everything to myself and I won't be doing that today. Apparently I'm hot when I'm angry. But I don't think I'll be so hot when I'm psycho ;)

But we are being adults. And chatting over a bottle of white and a steak with all the trimmings should do Mr and hopefully do him some good xxx

Fingers crossed it all works out for you! X

Good luck tonight Kinky Inky. Remember to stand your ground and not let him change your mind! :)

Good luck hugs but I'm concerned he'll say sorry and do again please look after yourself hugs for you and your daughter.

Things aren't going too well at the minute. .. he got really mad because I got mad at him for reading a magazine and ignoring me. 2 glasses of white later. He's barely even talking to me. Sat staring at his phone so I'm going to drink up and head home (currently peeing) :')