I ordered a new power chair in February and I had to wait 6 months for it

I didn’t go out yesterday so I had it on charge ready for today. Just got back from riding around for 4 hours

It’s like a little go cart, it flys when I want it to.
Everyone was looking as it has massive chunky off road tyres on the back.

The guy who dropped it off yesterday said I could keep it for as long as I want so I’m guessing I’m keeping it until my custom one arrives which we haven’t heard anything new about it. But every one bosses is on it so hopefully we’ll hear something soon.


That’s great news @David1986H

Glad it’s a success and you have it until your new one arrives.


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Brilliant :joy::joy:no stopping you now whizz kid. So glad you got out for a while, and you turned heads too, can’t be bad :joy:

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Glad you had a good day out, putting it through it’s paces! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sucks you still haven’t got the one you ordered in February but the stand in sounds like a fabulous (hopefully short term) substitude.

Have you got any plans to test out the off road wheels somewhere challenging? I’m glad you had a great first day with it and as @CurvyJilly said, it just means you’ll be an expert when your chair finally arrives.

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I went over a grass field at full speed on the way home lol. That’s about as much off road as I do. The main reason I like them is that It just gives it a smoother ride on the road.

Even the same chair can drive differently. It depends on how the controller is set up for example acceleration, breaking and turning speed.

At least I can have fun in it through summer


I have some news… My chair is now in transit from Germany. They said it normally takes around 10 days to get to the dealership then they have to check it over and everything.

So I’m probably looking at the 15th August at the earliest. I might ask not to register it until 1st September for the new reg. I’ve waited 6 months already so another 2 weeks won’t make a difference lol.


Great news @David1986H

Yes the extra two weeks is nothing after the time you’ve waited for it.


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Yeah, get the new plates! :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’ll try my best :slightly_smiling_face:

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Other updated… had a phone call yesterday evening which was missed saying that my chair should be at the dealership sometime next week but the guy who does the deliveries is very busy.

I just emailed the woman to confirm the date for the earliest delivery which is 7th September at 10am.

So in regards to the registration I have to do that myself so I will be getting the new 72 registration.


Excellent, although if i was running the dealership no matter how busy the delivery guy is, i would have made you a priority because of how long you’ve patiently waited.

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I am the first delivery on that day if that makes a difference lol.

I’ve still got the demo chair that they gave me to ride around in so I’m assuming I’m keeping that until the 7th unless they need it back sooner for someone to demo it.

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Finally after 7 months my chair has arrived. Sent the form to DVLA so hopefully it’ll be registered to use on the road soon.

Spend the day adjusting everything so it fits and looks better including taking off all the pointless stickers that made it look a mess.


Fabulous news! Hope you have many great journeys in it. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hooray - Fabulous news!!! :tada:
Took it’s time, but hopefully worth the wait and you’ll have great times with it.

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Brilliant news @David1986H , at long last :blush:so happy for you :blush:

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