Idea for rewards, punishments and dieting

After two years of saving like mad, me and Mrs Kebert are near to our moving home date, and are looking at holidays and such again for next year.

So, with a hope of holidaying at Whit, we are looking at getting back in to shape.

Both of us are hoping to lose somewhere between 3 and 5 stone (I want to add some muscle mass so have quite a window), and have set up weekly targets of 2lb per week.

We are weighing ourselves daily on the wii fit, and there are rewards and punishments for each pound we are from our target.

Today, I weighed 200lbs, against a target of 202, and so am owed two rewards for today.

If I had weighed 204lbs, I would be owed 2 punishments.

The original plan, as much as there was one, was that it would just be Mrs Kebert getting the punishments, and she'd been getting one spank for each punishment, I was apparently channeling LDD that day

So, we are looking for suggested rewards and punishments for both of us, they cant be anything big, because they are daily, and can be kinky or completely asexual.

Any thoughts?

As a punishment I'd tease my partner until he's close to cuming, and then I'd stop. He wouldn't be allowed to finish, whilst he watched me finish.

Yeah but how do you chastity three times in a day?

I dont think your supposed to weigh yourself daily because obviously your weight changes daily any way(especially womans!) you should probably do it once or twice a week instead :)

I dont think your supposed to weigh yourself daily because obviously your weight changes daily any way(especially womans!) you should probably do it once or twice a week instead :)


I'd weigh myself every 5 seconds if it were possible. Victory starts with the truth and knowledge is power. Dont worry, I wont obsess and refuse food or water until I drop to a certain number.


Just daily, but each pound over or under is a punishment or a reward, so three pounds over would be three punishments that day.

punishments: no TV/ Internet/ entertainment for the evening. (the internet one would kill me)

one of my friends parents used to only allow them to use one power source at a time (so he couldn't have a light on and make a cup of tea, ect) This would probably be amusing enough for a little while.

Rewards: Favorite TV shows/ control of the telly. a massage, a repreive from cooking for that day

( especially if the other's punishment is to have to cook or clean!)

After a week/month maybe some new clothes or a new music album ect.

I like the idea of this but I think you are setting yourselves up for failure (in the roleplay not the diet :-) As someone who has a continual battle with weight I know that mutual support and incentives work and I think to incorporate that into your relationship is a great idea.

I would agree with most of the people commenting already that daily weighing (or more often) is not sensible. If I were you I would create a list of "punishments and rewards". I would have a weekly weigh in at a set time and depending on success or failure each of you gets to draw a number from the pot to correspond to the list :-)

Most of all good luck, be sensible with the diet and enjoy the mutual support!

Weighing every day is a no-no! You should only weigh once a week at most, at the same time of day x