Ideas needed for Sunday Evening Bedroom Lockin

Wowza! What a night it sounded like you both had! Glad you had great fun, and enjoy the headmistress roleplaying!

sugarboobies2232 wrote:

Wowza! What a night it sounded like you both had! Glad you had great fun, and enjoy the headmistress roleplaying!

Thanks we enjoyed it. Her bum is still sore so I put some cream on it but she is happy .

Just started to look for a book for her on female dominance in the hope it may give her some ideas as she knows I like switching .

Definitely sounds like you both had a great time! May be pinching some of the ideas you've all come up with between you! šŸ˜


It was brilliant and the Mrs ended up with F'ifty Shades of Red on her rear lol

As somebody has already stated ,she will be hatching a plan to get me back !