i'm fed up with shaving

Basiclly i'm fed up with shaving my bikni line every other day ive tried nair hair removal cream the sensative version but i felt it didnt work that well. has anyone got any ideas i can try? please

Laser removal. You can even buy home kits now.

Do you have sensitive skin? If so, your choices are slightly more limited, but that's cool!

If you try hair removal cream on your bikini line, is it the general one, or the one designed specifically for bikini-hair? When doing this, it's helpful to lie with your legs spread wide apart, as this allows full access to the roots of the hairs. Also, try leaving it on a little longer? I leave Veet, for example, on for 10 minutes instead of the recommended 5, as I have tough hairs. Best not to exceed the "no longer than..." time on the box though... Also I find Nair not to work as well as Veet, and the Boots own brand stuff!

You could get laser hair removal, but that's an expensive option, despite its semi-permanence.

What I do, is shave or use hair removal cream once every week or something, then every time I get a little stubbly, I get rid of that with hair removal pads... I absolutely adore them, especially on legs, as they also exfoliate and leave you super smooth!

You could also wax, which lasts slightly longer, but is of course painful and can cause ingrown hairs if done too frequently...

Hope this helps some!

If you have sensitive skin, its really tough, as my skin gets extremely irritated by only shaving my legs (not joking), so I actually gave up trying to shave my woman parts due to it leaving my skin completely irritated for a week.

Wax or similar methods may be an option, but it does sound very painful to me. Laser is option which apparently does not suit everyone. I heard its more effective for dark hair, rather than blond, but maybe more modern lasers are different. With this method I would seek some professional advice.

Try being a man - we have to shave on a regular basis, too!

Why couldn't you just leave it a little longer between shavings, let the skin recover?

I've been wondering about more permanent methods too. My local salon does a course of 10 15 minute treatments for £60. Keep meaning to ask about it, and how much area that could cover.

Waxing. Mrs NL swears by it.

Have to say the results are outstanding...... ;)

I epilate... but it does hurt. I also can't quite bear to get rid of all of it, it's too sore to do the really intimate bits, so I fall back on cream if I want it all gone, but I HATE that stuff, so I usually just accept a little bit of hair on the most sensitive parts.

I recommend taking a couple of paracetamol 30mins before waxing/epilating, it really helps a lot.

SS xx

Lovehoney - Hella Rouge wrote:

I'm with you! I can't wax, it gives me a WORSE rash and ingrown hairs than shaving and that can be a pretty big travesty, but hair is a no-no for me too.

I'm also thinking of having lazer treatment. Well worth the couple o hundred quid. I have friends who have used it. One only needed a single treatment, the other one big one and a couple of follow ups to be completely hair free. I'm advised it is horrendously painful - moreso than tattoo removal - and feels like a nasty burn afterward, but is quite swift to heal.

Come on Groupon, send me a lazer hair removal deal! Lol! :)

Yikes - I was really tempted, but I'm not sure I could hack this!

SS xx

Frontline Bath & Wells do sessions of 6 for £92?


Carson Magic hair removal cream - you can get it in shops that specialise in Afro-Carribean products (so not in Bath, Hella! I know, because I searched and searched last year...) or from eBay pr Amazon: doesn't hurt like Nair or Veet (OK, they do say not to use it *everywhere* but still... It's actually a depilatory for black men's heads, but works just as well everywhere on women: I'm really prone to yucky boils (that make me look as though I have the pox) caused by ingrown hairs after shaving or waxing, but have never had a problem with Magic.

It's usually about three or four pounds for the pre-mixed tube, though you can buy it as powder and miz it yourself for less, and if you only do a DIY Hollywood with it, rather than your whole body, one tube lasts for a couple of months as you don't need much, Alternatively, if you want to do a hairy man from neck down on both sides (please don't ask how I know this) it'll take a whole tube - luckily, there's someone on Amazon who sells six packs...

So many typos - apologies: it's either time for bed or I have grossed myself out remembering the naked King Kong incident *shudder*

I shave using the blokes king of shaves aloe vera range, womens stuff irritates me too much :( I do use a ladies shaver tho, the gillette vibrating razor which works magically for me. i have differnet razor for legs and arm pits though. After shaving I use E45 which is boring maybe but works really well and apply as and when. had never herd of this lazer treatment instead of shaving bfor now, if anyone goes for it let us know how you get on - sounds interesting! O and Good Luck in your hunt for super smoothness!

Divine69 wrote:

I shave using the blokes king of shaves aloe vera range, womens stuff irritates me too much :(

yeah, I've been using King of Shaves for quite a while now, is really good on the skin, and seems to work just as well down below as on my face!

After advice from here I went with the exfoliate, shave exfoliate baby oil method, and I am impressed with the results. I started off with disposables but yesterday bought queen of smooth, which is the female version if king of shaves, not tried it yet, but found that disposables are getting to be a bit rubbish for anything other than legs and arms

I was really put off waxing as I would get awful ingrown hairs and have to wait ages.... until I discovered Lycon waxing, its literally pain free (i do have a high pain threshhold) and can be waxed from 1mm....

as for laser.. if its more painful that tattoo removal, I will never do it... tattoo laser removal is PAIN!