Implanon and bad skin... help!

Okay so brief history. I've never had really clear skin. I've always had blackheads on my nose that just run in the family and when I was in my teens I'd get the odd spot here and there. Not exactly pleasant but I could deal with just the occasional one!

However, I'm now 21 and my skin is disgusting! I thought that through my teens I'd have crappy skin and that it would get better when I hit my 20s. How wrong I was.

I was on the Combined pill for about 3 years and it really worked for me but I had ONE incidence of high blood pressure and they made me change to the progesterone only pill. The POP really messed me up, I had awful headaches every day, my periods were out of control and I felt horrible. But the clinic wouldn't believe me as the POP isn't meant to cause headaches and they said I was stressed.

I got the implant fitted Feb 2010 and had psycho periods that went on for weeks. But I persevered with it and I haven't had a period since June! However, my skin seems to have got really bad since going on it.I have spots all over my chin which I have read is due to hormones. My cheeks are spotless (excuse the pun), my forehead is usually okay apart from the occasional spot between my eyebrows and my nose has just the usual blackheads. So why the spots on the chin? They look awful, I can barely cover them up with makeup and I constantly have purple, scar-like marks there now. I get massive ones under the skin (think they're sebaceous cysts) that really hurt and never come to a head they just sit there for a few days looking ugly.

I have a fairly healthy diet (occasional McDonalds and a night on the booze every now and then but mostly good!) I exercise, drink lots of water. But I'm always tired, my skin looks awful and I feel rubbish.

I don't know what to do anymore. I'm on the verge of getting the implant taken out but I don't want the hassle of having to remember to take the pill everyday and I love the fact that I don't have periods! Any suggestions or similar experiences? Please help! I feel awful x

If you're really not up for getting the Implanon taken out, then all I can think to really suggest is either going back to your doctor and asking to go on a pill WITH the implant to try and settle your hormones a little, or to just keep on with it.

My skin got pretty bad when I first had mine fitted (I'm blessed with, touch wood, pretty clear skin) and I started using St. Ive's apricot exfoliant every couple of days. It's properly gritty, like sand, and if you give your skin a proper boogie with that a few times a week it seems to help blitz spots quite well.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help!