Implant Removal = Feeling Happier?

KittenFeatures - As Lovethekink said, if you're not getting along with the implant, I wouldn't recommend the injection. With the injection, you just have to ride it out if you don't like it as it's already in your blood stream. At least with the implant you can remove it. Have you considered the Mirena? The reason I'm going for that one is because it's still long term (I'm also crap at taking the pill and, lets face it, who likes condoms??) but the coil has waayyyy less hormones than the implanr injection or pill. All my research seems to state that having the Mirena coil is the equivalent of taking one pill a week as far as the dose of hormones. This could be a good option for you? 

LeilaK - If you haven't had the implant before, it could be worth a try? My first one was the best thing ever, but this second one was rubbish. Apparently a lot of women find that their first one is a dream, but their second or third one is a nightmare. I know it's still something "in your body" but it's not in your body-body, if you know what I mean! As for condoms, that's the situation we've been in lately. So far our favourites (more so from his perspective but mine also) have been the Swoon condoms, (sadly discontinued 😑 ) FSOG condoms (gah - also discontinued!! what the hell?!) and Durex Thin Feel. I've been eyeing up the Luwi female condoms though - the reviews are amazing. 

Boox - Is there an option which would reduce your periods, without getting rid of them completely? Like the mini pill or something? 

When I had the Mirena I had more side effects than I've ever had with different combination pills. I'm so sad I didn't get on with it since I'm also crappy at taking pills and now I'm on the pill again (but having less side effects) :/

I've tried almost every contraceptive I can and they feel the safest option for me is the mirena but they did say at the three year mark I can have it removed if I do want it out early but it can be a bit of a risk , I'm willing to take that risk to feel less plugged even for a moment 😂 but the mirena coil genuinely is a god send and totally unnoticeable if you don't have tons of menstruation issues

Jess I think I will end up going for the mirena. At my age it's the safest option for me. Hopefully it works out and I don't get awful side effects. I will give those condoms a try. Thanks x

As you guys seem to offer fab advice, i'd like to ask for some. I currently have the depo injection. A friend told me see was coming off it so I did some digging into it as I've also been considering the same. I've been on it constantly for around 8 years. I'd like to know if anybody here has stopped having it after a similar length off time? If so what side-effects did you experience? X

Eeek. I don't know what it is about it but the idea if the coil makes me so queasy and cringy. I suppose I will have to speak to our local clinic and see what they recommend. The weight gain us the biggest problem. My body currently feels like a train wreck and it is constantly bringing me down. :C

My mood improved massively after having the implant removed and my sex drive increased! Loved it at the time (3 years with no periods) but once it was out I knew there was no going back.

The idea of coils scare me (huge wuss) but I do think it's the way if go if I ever went back to hormonal contraception

Couple looking to spice things up wrote:

As you guys seem to offer fab advice, i'd like to ask for some. I currently have the depo injection. A friend told me see was coming off it so I did some digging into it as I've also been considering the same. I've been on it constantly for around 8 years. I'd like to know if anybody here has stopped having it after a similar length off time? If so what side-effects did you experience? X


I never had the injection for that long - only 6 months - but the implant is the same hormones and I had that for a total of 6 years. Right now I'm just feeling the mood and energy lift as its early days, but am hoping my sex drive will return, and losing a few pounds would be nice! 

I'll pop back in a few months to let you know if any other side effects (good or bad) come about. Not sure if anyone else can add anything here? 

Also - NetMums is a great place for advice on this so maybe pop over there and see if anyone else has commented on coming off long-term depo.

Any kind of hormonal contraception makes me depressed and crazy. I don't think I realised how much it was affecting me until I stopped taking it! Medical professionals really should emphasis the psychological side effects so you can look out for them. Condoms have been my contraceptive of choice for the past few years, never had any problems. I never tried the implant after several different pills all left me a mess.

Jezebella wrote:

Any kind of hormonal contraception makes me depressed and crazy. I don't think I realised how much it was affecting me until I stopped taking it! Medical professionals really should emphasis the psychological side effects so you can look out for them. Condoms have been my contraceptive of choice for the past few years, never had any problems. I never tried the implant after several different pills all left me a mess.


I was absolutely the same. The implant made me such a moody cow. Afterwards I didn't cry as much or get as angry and hostile. Plus, I started to lose weight that I'd put on while I'd been on it. Best decision I could have made. I feel like women aren't actually given all of the facts properly before we get handed hormones. I worked out that in my entire life, I've only ovulated a total of 3 times because they thrust the pill at me because I was having period pains when I was young. I love getting to know my body again!x

Jess - I'm super happy to hear a lovely lass like yourselves feeling happy and much more like yourself. It's lovely to hear you're in a much better place than you were whilst on the implant.

Can i ask some advice? I've got to go on some form of contraception for a few months until hubbys treatment is over. Everyone knows I've got severe mental health issues and i really cant afford contraception to make my mood bad. So my question is, are there any form of contraception I can take without side effects of am i better off using condoms?

Thank you in advance 😙💜xx

Lovehoney - Jess Wilde wrote:

Jezebella wrote:

Any kind of hormonal contraception makes me depressed and crazy. I don't think I realised how much it was affecting me until I stopped taking it! Medical professionals really should emphasis the psychological side effects so you can look out for them. Condoms have been my contraceptive of choice for the past few years, never had any problems. I never tried the implant after several different pills all left me a mess.


YES! I really think something needs to be done with this. My doctors have all denied it, along with other side effects ie weight gain. They didn't believe me when I said I'm so moody and depressed all the time. Then I wanted to hurt my oh for no reason, like what the hell! I think they also need to point out that the same hormones are used in the implant, injection and also the mini pill. Definitely going for a coil now. My last appointment about my coil fitting was a disaster. The doctor started accusing me of binge eating which was why I put on so much weight. He asked "do you like eating chips and chocolate?" Instead of listening to what I was telling him about my issues with the pill. He was supposed to fit my coil and said "you haven't had any babies yet so you will be too tight to fit a coil. I can try but most likely you will have to have the implant". He was so rude and made me feel so uncomfortable I cancelled my appointment the next day to have it fitted and came home and cried! Will be seeking somewhere else to get one fitted.

Sugarboobies that is absolutely awful! I hope you registered a complaint about him, there is absolutely no excuse for a doctor to treat anyone that way! I'm angry for you, I can't even imagine how it made you feel!

Slinky every kind of hormonal contraception has side effects, they work by changing the natural balance of hormones in the body, and hormones are involved in a whole host of different functions, from emotions to sleep regulation to body hair. They aren't just to do with reproduction. However, some women experience very little trouble on them, and others have a horrible time. There's no way of knowing which you'll be until you try one.

Because I had such negative experiences I would always recommend condoms, particularly if it's short term. However, if you are keen to try another form I would start off on the pill because if it affects you badly you can simply stop taking it. The implant and coils have to removed by a medical professional and there's nothing you can do about the injection except ride it out.

Of you do decide to take hormonal contraception My advice would be to pay attention to your mood and if you find yourself getting irrationally tearful, upset, irritated and angry on a regular basis it's likely to be due to the artificial hormones.

Hope this is helpful xx

sugarboobies2232 wrote:

Lovehoney - Jess Wilde wrote:

Jezebella wrote:

Any kind of hormonal contraception makes me depressed and crazy. I don't think I realised how much it was affecting me until I stopped taking it! Medical professionals really should emphasis the psychological side effects so you can look out for them. Condoms have been my contraceptive of choice for the past few years, never had any problems. I never tried the implant after several different pills all left me a mess.


YES! I really think something needs to be done with this. My doctors have all denied it, along with other side effects ie weight gain. They didn't believe me when I said I'm so moody and depressed all the time. Then I wanted to hurt my oh for no reason, like what the hell! I think they also need to point out that the same hormones are used in the implant, injection and also the mini pill. Definitely going for a coil now. My last appointment about my coil fitting was a disaster. The doctor started accusing me of binge eating which was why I put on so much weight. He asked "do you like eating chips and chocolate?" Instead of listening to what I was telling him about my issues with the pill. He was supposed to fit my coil and said "you haven't had any babies yet so you will be too tight to fit a coil. I can try but most likely you will have to have the implant". He was so rude and made me feel so uncomfortable I cancelled my appointment the next day to have it fitted and came home and cried! Will be seeking somewhere else to get one fitted.

Oh my God that's awful!! I think this, unfortunately, is the case with a lot of older (40 ish +), male doctors. It's like they still think we're just "crazy silly women with emotions". GAH.

My best advice would be for you to go to a walk-in clinic - they've always been amazing in my experience. And they know their sh*t! 

slinky binky wrote:

Jess - I'm super happy to hear a lovely lass like yourselves feeling happy and much more like yourself. It's lovely to hear you're in a much better place than you were whilst on the implant.

Can i ask some advice? I've got to go on some form of contraception for a few months until hubbys treatment is over. Everyone knows I've got severe mental health issues and i really cant afford contraception to make my mood bad. So my question is, are there any form of contraception I can take without side effects of am i better off using condoms?

Thank you in advance 😙💜xx

Thanks SB :) 

As others have said, hormons always come with a "risk" (in my opinion, more like a guarantee) of side effects. 

If you do want to go for something with minimal hormones, it sounds like the mirena might be the way to go? Or there is the copper coil which is hormone-free. 

Otherwise, I think your best bet is to stick with barrier methods like condoms or a diaphragm. 

Sum Sub wrote:

My OH has the mirena, as it seems do most of the mums on the school run! She gets on well with it and it's stabilised her dip in mood around periods, as she has them less often. Feeling the 'strings' during sexual happiness time can occasionally be odd though!

I considered the mirena many years ago and opted for another implant after my OH told me that X girlfriend had one and that after sex it was attached to him! This happened twice apparently!

So that put me off. I guess it's just finding the right thing for the right person. One of the nurses I work with is trying to pluck up the courage to go for the snip, as his OH has a really bad reaction to hormone based contraception, she turns into psychopath, in his words, and they have all the children they want. He is just scared. I don't know how to encourage/support him? Any suggestions?

Lovehoney - Jess Wilde wrote:

slinky binky wrote:

Jess - I'm super happy to hear a lovely lass like yourselves feeling happy and much more like yourself. It's lovely to hear you're in a much better place than you were whilst on the implant.

Can i ask some advice? I've got to go on some form of contraception for a few months until hubbys treatment is over. Everyone knows I've got severe mental health issues and i really cant afford contraception to make my mood bad. So my question is, are there any form of contraception I can take without side effects of am i better off using condoms?

Thank you in advance 😙💜xx

Thanks SB :)

As others have said, hormons always come with a "risk" (in my opinion, more like a guarantee) of side effects.

If you do want to go for something with minimal hormones, it sounds like the mirena might be the way to go? Or there is the copper coil which is hormone-free.

Otherwise, I think your best bet is to stick with barrier methods like condoms or a diaphragm.

Please excuse me if I've missed it, but I've not seen any mention of the vaginal ring on this thread. It contains less hormones than the pill, I believe, (it's been a while since I've tried it), but it's less invasive than the implant or coil as you just insert it yourself, which also means you can stop at any time if you get side effects you're not comfortable with.

Hey ScarlettBlacks

Ah yes! I almost suggested that, but wasn't sure on the quantity/intensity of hormones in it? 

It's definitely an often overlooked option though. 

I'm curious - can it be felt during sex? 

Fun Louise wrote:

Sum Sub wrote:

My OH has the mirena, as it seems do most of the mums on the school run! She gets on well with it and it's stabilised her dip in mood around periods, as she has them less often. Feeling the 'strings' during sexual happiness time can occasionally be odd though!

I considered the mirena many years ago and opted for another implant after my OH told me that X girlfriend had one and that after sex it was attached to him! This happened twice apparently!

So that put me off. I guess it's just finding the right thing for the right person. One of the nurses I work with is trying to pluck up the courage to go for the snip, as his OH has a really bad reaction to hormone based contraception, she turns into psychopath, in his words, and they have all the children they want. He is just scared. I don't know how to encourage/support him? Any suggestions?

Ultimately, it has to be his decision, and his decision only. There's nothing (I'm assuming?) stopping them from using male or female condoms, or a diaphragm so it's not like he has to have his tubes snipped. Plus they say its reversible, but a lot of times the reverse procedure fails. Alternatively she can always go for a non-hormonal contraception like the copper coil - a much less permanent option. 

I think all you can do to help and support him is be an ear, and support him in whichever decision he comes to. You can also helps / encourage him to do his own research and trust his gut, rather than worrying what his partner or anyone else thinks. 

I would suggest he at least waits it out for the male pills or Vasalgel to be available before he makes any life-changing decisions.