implant removed. ... monthlys

So I had my implant removed(about 6 weeks ago) as time was up, now finally my first monthly came this morning .. and oh my word feels like my insides are being ripped out(sorry tmi) so other than the usual hot water bottle n excerise which im doing, what's your recommendations.. also any1 else had this after the implant being removed.?

Yep I did I'm afraid, they settled down after a few months. Are you going back onto another contraceptive? X

Well I had a period that lasted two weeks once mine was out

Oh noooo I hope not 2 weeks ... nope no other contraception I need to give my body a break x

sassykitten;) wrote:

Oh noooo I hope not 2 weeks ... nope no other contraception I need to give my body a break x

My friends said that it doesn't happen to everyone but it's not unusual with the implant

Oh hopefully I dont get this im gunna scream, I forgot how bad they can be.. just in time to ruin my plans too :(

Don't worry too much hun, I'm sure it'll be fine

Im hoping so.. just ruins my plans that's all x

You usually do bleed quite heavy when it's removed hopefully won't last too long if it does see your gp they can give you something to stop it xx

I know it's for IBS, but I found Buscupan works for my cramps. You can buy it over the counter at the chemist. If you don't wanna risk that, there's always Feminax.

Purring-Pussy wrote:

I know it's for IBS, but I found Buscupan works for my cramps. You can buy it over the counter at the chemist. If you don't wanna risk that, there's always Feminax.

+1, it does help :)

I remember that pain so well!!! It really sucks. For the love of God take some painkillers for the first couple of cycles! I usually try to avoid pills but your periods will settle down soon and you might as well try to feel human again while it's that bad. Good luck!

Hi all thanks for your replys, im trying feminax express atm. It seems to be taking the edge off enough so I can do things..

That a a hot water bottle about the best thing

If i continue over about 4 days of heavy bleeding ill phone the doctor x