Implant Removal = Feeling Happier?

Hey everyone!

As some of you know, I had my contraceptive implant removed on Monday and I'm not sure whether it's psychological or physical, but I am feeling a massive boost in my happiness levels. I don't think I realised how poopy I was feeling. 

Has anyone else experienced this? Could I really be feeling the benefits within such a short length of time?

I'm particularly wondering as I had it removed late (tut tut) and had assumed that any hormones in it would have "run out" so to speak. 

PS: I don't want this to put anyone off the implant - my first one was AMAZING. This second one was basically a nightmare from day one though. 

Would love to know your experiences. 

I have no experience to speak of, so feel free to skip over my post as you read.
The life of the hormones in the implant is its effective period, there will continue to be hormones released after than time but they could be at a higher or lower rate or in different proportion to the intended period, thus affecting it's effectiveness. This is why they have a recommended removal date.
It is of course possible that the fluctuating hormones were making you feel poopy. It's also possible that you were having a nocebo effect by the psychological impact of having it still in you when you expect it to be redundant.

Either way, welcome back, happy Jess.

I've never had an implant myself, but as subby has said, it may be the fact that it has been removed, and that in itself can be a huge relief. Especially when it has made you feel so bad. I'm really pleased you feel a lot better now Jess :) xx

N'aw thanks guys! Me too! It's nice to feel like "me" again (even though I didn't realise I wasn't "me' before). 

Either way, I'm chuffed as a badger with new stripes. Or something. 

Sub - I never thought about the implant potentially having an increased effect on my moods after its date. The stress of it being overdue was definitely more of a bother than I think I realised though. 

I'm sure my boyfriend will be very happy with the new, more jovial me. 

Either that or he'll find me even more annoying! 😈 😜

Hi Jess I'm really pleased your feeling better.

I have an implant, I fact I'm on my 5th. (I'm very limited on contraception options.)

Even though you were over the removal date there would still have been some hormone there. As soon as the implant was removed the hormone would nooner be entering your system so you should notice a difference within 24/48hrs. I'm sorry it didn't agree with you, and I'm glad you feel better now.

Thanks FL - I think that must be the case because I felt a real lift yesterday. It's so nice! I don't feel as sluggish or moody.

I've been doing some reading on NetMums and it appears this is quite a common result for anyone who didn't get on with their implant. 

I'm considering the Mirena coil when I want something new, but for now it's lovely being hormone freeeee! 

My OH has the mirena, as it seems do most of the mums on the school run! She gets on well with it and it's stabilised her dip in mood around periods, as she has them less often. Feeling the 'strings' during sexual happiness time can occasionally be odd though!

I came off everything hormonal as it turned me into a moody, sad mess. I too felt so much better coming off it, and like you will try the coil and see how get on. Life's too short to be miserable! Welcome back happy jess xx

sugarboobies2232 wrote:

I came off everything hormonal as it turned me into a moody, sad mess. I too felt so much better coming off it, and like you will try the coil and see how get on. Life's too short to be miserable! Welcome back happy jess xx

Amen to that!! 🙌

Sum Sub wrote:

My OH has the mirena, as it seems do most of the mums on the school run! She gets on well with it and it's stabilised her dip in mood around periods, as she has them less often. Feeling the 'strings' during sexual happiness time can occasionally be odd though!

Ah yes - the idea of the strings is a little offputting... But WAY less offputting than maybe making a baby, so I think it's a reasonable compromise. 

I had my doctor trim the strings really short so they don't bug my OH.

I had my Mirena for 6 months (had to take it out because of the side effects) but my OH never felt even though he is quite long and sometimes hits my cervix. I don't think you need to worry about anyone feeling it Jess :)

Lovehoney - Jess Wilde wrote:

Sum Sub wrote:

My OH has the mirena, as it seems do most of the mums on the school run! She gets on well with it and it's stabilised her dip in mood around periods, as she has them less often. Feeling the 'strings' during sexual happiness time can occasionally be odd though!

Ah yes - the idea of the strings is a little offputting... But WAY less offputting than maybe making a baby, so I think it's a reasonable compromise.

I've been putting off having my coil fitted. Having a week late period has certainly put the bajeezers up me and will be getting it fitted asap.

I'm really up for getting my mirena removed cause it does feel like I'm plugged up after a year it's fine but now the two year marker has hit I really miss periods! I may have had hell on earth and ended up being in the hospital everyday of every period I had but feel like a balloon that's been blown up too much just seconds away from bursting! I never would of imagined I'd miss them but I really do , so now I'm stuck between getting it removed and risking my health or put up with it until a diagnosis is made , mirena is a great option if you are completely positive there's no other option x

I had the implant..... when i had it took out it was like a new me.... i felt happier and less stressed.

I was down and moody on the implant and at times felt depressed.

So definitely is the implant being out making you feel better x

Hey Jess, it's great to hear you are feeling better!

I have just came off the pill. I'm hoping it will have the same effect and reduce the terrible bloating I've been suffering from.

I'm thinking of getting the mirena coil, but not sure. I don't like the idea of something inside my body, but I don't think I have many options at my age. In the meantime we will have to use condoms, which I hate :(

Can anyone recommend a good brand of condom?

i never realized how much hormonal birth control also lowered my sex drive until I went off it. Best wishes to everyone in finding what works best for them. The mirena has been a god send for me.

I currently have the implant and have been contemplating whether I should get it removed for some time now. I had it done in January just two months after the birth of my daughter. I can't explain why but I don't think I've been the same since.

Initially I didn't notice but after a few months things started getting awkward for me. I cry a lot more than I ever used to. I have gained an incredible amount of weight considering I'm eating healthier than I ever have (I have gone from a comfortable size 10/12 to an awkward 14/16). Really I cant stand looking at myself any more. None of my clothes fit so I've had to throw them in the attic and buy new ones which has cost more than I would have liked.

Im considering getting the injection as an alternative. I'm not great at taking the pill and condoms just do the do it for me. Hearing it's made you happier makes me feel a bit more comfortable about considering having it removed. Its nice not having to worry about getting pregnant again but it's affecting me so much negatively that I'm not sure if it's worth it any more.

So glad the boyfriend has offer to take male contraception once it's a thing. An offer I couldn't refuse. :P


Just to let you know that the depo injection is the same hormone as the implant just in a different form.
So if you're stopping the implant due to the side effects i wouldn't go onto the injection.

I made that mistake myself and the doctors didn't tell me until after the injection so i ended up with another 3 months of hell with that in my system

Jess keep us posted on your journey here!