Internal Bruising After Sex

Basically my question is, is it possible?

We had sex on Friday night and lets just say it was more vigorous that normal. At one point one of the thrusts really hurt me. Since then I've had pain on my right side sort of near to where my ovary is.

Its there as a dull pain pretty much all the time but it can also build up and get quite painful. It gets pretty sore when my bladder is full, as if my full bladder is putting pressure on something. I dont think its a UTI or a bladder infection as I've had both many times and this definitely isnt the same. I'm having no issues peeing and I actually take an antibiotic after sex to stop me getting infections.

I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced this pain and will it eventuall go away after a couple of days? Is it just a bruise or something on the inside?

Thanks! x

Probably be best to visit your GP , doesn't sound good like , maybe you could be a little post sex tenderness but better to air on the side of caution and get checked out x

Hi S&M - I have also experienced this once or twice. I find this happens when we are a bit more vigorous especially when doing doggy and it always seems to affect one side near my ovary too. Certain times of the month can make it more uncomfortable like when you are ovulating. It should calm down after a couple of days - but if it doesn't then go and get it checked as it could be cystitis.

May I ask why you take antibiotics after sex - you really shouldn't use them as a preventative - they are not really for that purpose. If don't want to mention it here and want to have a chat - my e-mail address is on my profile :)xx

I've had pains like that after vigorous sex. Feels like period pains, goes away after a couple days. But it might be something more serious like a proper injury so if it doesn't go away get it checked out :)

This happens to me all the time and I put it down to him being too long and hitting my cervix x it goes away after a few days some positions are better than others if ur partner is over average size. I google'ed it when it first happened to me :-) x

Agree with scorpius re the antibiotic stuff...


Last month I experienced extensive vaginal bruising where every part of my vagina was bruised black and blue (according to the doctor who checked me out). It made moving painfuls, and sex painful for two weeks straight.

Normally it's rare to get vaginal bruising like I had... mine happened was a bad fisting experience, but apparently it was similar to some peoples vagina after child brith.

Before this, I had only experienced mild vaginal bruising from sex and sex toy play. Generally in the cervix area, and the bruising and pain would go away in about half a week max.

I was chatting with a sexologist about vaginal bruising caused from sex and sex toy play, and they agreed with me that there needs to be more talk about it, as it does happen. They also recommended that I use ice / a bag of peas around the area a few times a day to help keep down the swelling, as well as taking pain killers.

If the bruising and pain is still there in a few days I'd recommend going to the doctors to get checked out, or your local GUM / sexual health clinic. There's a possibilty that you may be suffering from hemorraging - although this is very rare.

Another thing to consider is that you could have cysts which can cause some pain from time to time.

as it was a vigorous session, is it possible that you've just over stretched a core muscle like an ab, if there was a thust that hurt, your natural reaction is to pull away from it, and maybe in going so you pulled a muscle?

Thanks guys that's all really helpful and has made me relax a good bit. So glad its not just me!

Bakerson, I was actually wondering myself if it was a muscle thing since it actually hurt if I lean to the right or press on the area. It feels more internal though. It also hurts when I sit down.

Scorpius and MissChar, I've been taking different antibiotics for a long time as I get UTIs after sex. I would get one everytime I have sex if I didn't take the antibiotics. I take 1 tablet imediately after I have sex. They're prescribed by my doc who says its safe. He said its actually a very old fashioned way of treating them but the other meds just wernt working for me.

Yeah Sabbs my partner is pretty big and I've had penetration hurt before but its never been like this. Maybe he just hit a spot the wrong way. I'm mostly worried cause its never hurt like this before and never for so long.

If it lasts another couple of days I might go see my GP.

Thanks for all the advice guys! Makes me feel better.

S&S wrote:

Thanks guys that's all really helpful and has made me relax a good bit. So glad its not just me!

Bakerson, I was actually wondering myself if it was a muscle thing since it actually hurt if I lean to the right or press on the area. It feels more internal though. It also hurts when I sit down.

Scorpius and MissChar, I've been taking different antibiotics for a long time as I get UTIs after sex. I would get one everytime I have sex if I didn't take the antibiotics. I take 1 tablet imediately after I have sex. They're prescribed by my doc who says its safe. He said its actually a very old fashioned way of treating them but the other meds just wernt working for me.

Yeah Sabbs my partner is pretty big and I've had penetration hurt before but its never been like this. Maybe he just hit a spot the wrong way. I'm mostly worried cause its never hurt like this before and never for so long.

If it lasts another couple of days I might go see my GP.

Thanks for all the advice guys! Makes me feel better.

I was also prescriped "preventative antibiotics" by a doctor, years ago. I would take one a night, as if I was taking the pill or similar, to prevent UTI's. I suffered so badly too, almost every time I had sex as well. It got to the point where the scar tissue from previous infections was aiding new infections to spread. I was really ill for about a year. I had to have a procedure to have my urethra stretched due to scar tissue. ( I was under a general, so thankfully not awake while they did THAT! lol) Erghh. I stopped taking the antibiotics many years ago as I started getting thrush all the time! lol (I couldn't win, mind you, i would take thrush over a UTI any day.) and to this day I still have about 2 to 3 UTI infections a year. Now I am much more careful, wipe front to back, always pee after sex, try to shower more than bath, I even take cranberry tablets daily. They feckin hurt! Leave you in tears. urghh. I can almost guarantee myself a UTI if I do not pee after sex. It is that bad for me.

But yes, anyway, just to say that doctors do prescribe preventative antibiotics to women who really suffer constantly with these infections.

I have also suffered this pain you describe many times, even after not so vigerous sex. I always put it down to fibromyalgia with me, because every time something hurts these days, I just assume its that, as 99.9% of the time, the pain goes on it's own. For be, its like a stabbing pain right where I imagine the overy to be situated, and it is quite intense! It fades after a few days. If it doesn't, I would see the doctor. xx

Fluffbags wrote:

S&S wrote:

Thanks guys that's all really helpful and has made me relax a good bit. So glad its not just me!

Bakerson, I was actually wondering myself if it was a muscle thing since it actually hurt if I lean to the right or press on the area. It feels more internal though. It also hurts when I sit down.

Scorpius and MissChar, I've been taking different antibiotics for a long time as I get UTIs after sex. I would get one everytime I have sex if I didn't take the antibiotics. I take 1 tablet imediately after I have sex. They're prescribed by my doc who says its safe. He said its actually a very old fashioned way of treating them but the other meds just wernt working for me.

Yeah Sabbs my partner is pretty big and I've had penetration hurt before but its never been like this. Maybe he just hit a spot the wrong way. I'm mostly worried cause its never hurt like this before and never for so long.

If it lasts another couple of days I might go see my GP.

Thanks for all the advice guys! Makes me feel better.

I was also prescriped "preventative antibiotics" by a doctor, years ago. I would take one a night, as if I was taking the pill or similar, to prevent UTI's. I suffered so badly too, almost every time I had sex as well. It got to the point where the scar tissue from previous infections was aiding new infections to spread. I was really ill for about a year. I had to have a procedure to have my urethra stretched due to scar tissue. ( I was under a general, so thankfully not awake while they did THAT! lol) Erghh. I stopped taking the antibiotics many years ago as I started getting thrush all the time! lol (I couldn't win, mind you, i would take thrush over a UTI any day.) and to this day I still have about 2 to 3 UTI infections a year. Now I am much more careful, wipe front to back, always pee after sex, try to shower more than bath, I even take cranberry tablets daily. They feckin hurt! Leave you in tears. urghh. I can almost guarantee myself a UTI if I do not pee after sex. It is that bad for me.

But yes, anyway, just to say that doctors do prescribe preventative antibiotics to women who really suffer constantly with these infections.

I have also suffered this pain you describe many times, even after not so vigerous sex. I always put it down to fibromyalgia with me, because every time something hurts these days, I just assume its that, as 99.9% of the time, the pain goes on it's own. For be, its like a stabbing pain right where I imagine the overy to be situated, and it is quite intense! It fades after a few days. If it doesn't, I would see the doctor. xx

Thanks for that Fluffbags. If I have sex I get a uti, everytime, without fail. Went through that for a year. I tried the pills you take one a day but I only allowed to take them for three months and then I had to come off and of course I would get a uti straight away. I got fed up with this and yeah they gave me constant thrush so my doc swapped me to the pills I'm on now. I take 1 immedately after sex and I havent had a uti since I started on them a year ago.

Glad I'm not the only one who gets this pain after sex. I've never experienced anything like it hence my concern. I started getting worried early as I noticed that it hurt when I was walking around because my step was boucy. It hurts to sit down and lean forward too.

Hopefully it will go away. I scared myself by looking online earlier. I wonder now if I have a kidney infection just without the burning pee symptoms. I shall just have to wait and see.

Thanks again for all the great advice everyone! x

When you initially described the pain, one of my first thoughts was a UTI. I mainly thought that because my usual "Oh shit I am getting a UTI" symptoms changed recently. For ten years, the first signs I got was when I went for a pee and then it kicked in, burning and cramping immediately. The last few however, have come on after days of experiencing this stabbing cramping ache in the area around one of my overies. It has happened that way two or three times to me now, rather than the burning, which hits instead after a few days. Strange but yes, just saying, it still could be. I guess you won't know for sure unless it gets treated or seen by a doc xx

Fluffbags wrote:

When you initially described the pain, one of my first thoughts was a UTI. I mainly thought that because my usual "Oh shit I am getting a UTI" symptoms changed recently. For ten years, the first signs I got was when I went for a pee and then it kicked in, burning and cramping immediately. The last few however, have come on after days of experiencing this stabbing cramping ache in the area around one of my overies. It has happened that way two or three times to me now, rather than the burning, which hits instead after a few days. Strange but yes, just saying, it still could be. I guess you won't know for sure unless it gets treated or seen by a doc xx

I'm fairly sure its not a uti as I took my pill and for me they come on very fast. It would be a full blown uti by now. I'm wondering about kidney infections now and whether you can have one without painfull peeing. I think the pain is lower than my kidneys though.

I'm hoping its just that I got poked the wrong way during sex. My OH thinks its great since its indisputable proof that he has a big penis I'm going to see how I feel tomorrow though.

If you had a kidney infection you would have a strong unpleasant smell to your wee , my OH has been hospitalised due to this , a kidney infection occurs if you don't treat your UTI , if a kidney infection goes untreated it can lead to toxic shock syndrome , don't want to worry ya like but tell your GP

S&S wrote:

Fluffbags wrote:

When you initially described the pain, one of my first thoughts was a UTI. I mainly thought that because my usual "Oh shit I am getting a UTI" symptoms changed recently. For ten years, the first signs I got was when I went for a pee and then it kicked in, burning and cramping immediately. The last few however, have come on after days of experiencing this stabbing cramping ache in the area around one of my overies. It has happened that way two or three times to me now, rather than the burning, which hits instead after a few days. Strange but yes, just saying, it still could be. I guess you won't know for sure unless it gets treated or seen by a doc xx

I'm fairly sure its not a uti as I took my pill and for me they come on very fast. It would be a full blown uti by now. I'm wondering about kidney infections now and whether you can have one without painfull peeing. I think the pain is lower than my kidneys though.

I'm hoping its just that I got poked the wrong way during sex. My OH thinks its great since its indisputable proof that he has a big penis I'm going to see how I feel tomorrow though.

Only had a kidney infection once, I believe, and it was with the usual symptoms as well as a searing back pain that made me sick. mum gets kidney infections often, and she only reports really bad back pain, but no buring when she pees or any other "downstairs" symptoms, just the back ache and needing to pee more often.

Hope that helps.