Internet Disconnection Crisis...!

Hi all, I'm so glad to be back. Missed chatting to everyone as been offline since last Thursday!!! 😣 Me and OH were watching a film, when a massive thunderstorm came, followed by a colossal BANG!! from the internet router!! Proper shocked out of our skins (politest way of saying it on here lol). The incident was followed by a burning smell, and much to my disappointment 'the router'...yes it had blown up! - Literally not joking!

Back on just now, missed emails, catch up and everything u can imagine, but missed everyone on LH forum most of all. So happy and 😌 relieved to be up and running again! Just wanted to let everyone know about my mysterious disappearance. Chat soon xxx.

WB xx did you have a nice few days off grid with your hubby though? We love it when we go away and there is no signal lol

Thanks. Yes, it was really nice and had a break from the forum as I was getting a bit addicted! Lol. Mainly watched our own films and spent quality time together (if u know what I mean!) πŸ˜‰πŸ˜― Got chance to really enjoy LH bits, can't believe I missed the internet so much tho, never thought it would get to me like that!? Lol.

Oh my gosh I don’t know how I’d of coped I use the internet for so many things lol! Nice to see you back though and at least you got a few days break. I could do with that but it’s so addicting on the forums πŸ˜‚ glad everything is sorted for you now xx