Life without internet


As of last week I have had no broadband at home so no interent and my goodness my life has suddenly came to a hault! I attempted to get a new router installed but the earliest is 19th Jan?! Knowing I'll have another 3 weeks without internet is a worry, I keep joking with my boyfriend I'm moving in with him but may be staying at his longer than usual heh. I've realised how much we rely on internet, I mean I can't even check LH daily anymore! Someone send me the internet fairy please? x

Oh dear, Internet is cool, but being on the puter long periods of time is not so good.

Look at all the sex toy browsing time you will be loosing ! Gasp Shock Horror !


Oh no I couldnt:((

and no reading interesting posts, bummer lol ![](upload://h7LJ67OOrR57VDYrj5ZEwwHAfLG.gif)

I was without internet for nearly 2 months while we moved house. You don't realise how much you rely on it until it's gone - it was awful!

Sometimes we switch our phones and tablets off for 48 hours at a time cause it's just a sistraction. Its great ;) and nobody can contact is which is an added bonus lol

Get a cheap dongle....that will tie you over till then

Oh my goodness i rely on the internet too much. As a housebound disabled girl all i do is sit on my laptop or ps3, plus skype as my relationship is long distance and i have an awful phone signal.

I am online constantly, I love the internet, I spend way more time on it than any of my friends, but I've had to go for long periods of time without it and found it surprisingly easy! I don't know how I'd do now though with my boyfriend away

I'd be okay without the internet...I'm a bookworm at heart. But given the scenario that if all my toys broke....then I'd definitely miss this site the most.

Tried "Flashing" ya old Router... ![](upload://jokG3WtlbVccWAgGjeuPxY6tITM.gif)

No Its not an Entendre, just your dirty mind.

Confesions of an Computer Engineer.....

Ha, I'm moving out next week so I shall have internet in a matter of days, it's been a hard 2 months! Never leave me again internet

I would not be able to live without internet