Is everyone okay?

Hi, might seem like a flippant remark, but reading a number of the posts in different forums, it seems that the effects of this protracted lockdown, COVID-19 restrictions are really starting to adversely effect people.

The mood appears to be changing and the subject matter is becoming heavier. The lite banter appears to be disappearing to be replaced with individuals questioning their self worth and their relationships.

Times are tough, worries are many and if we are honest the situation is unlikely to improve significantly before the new year.

Having been through a few trials and tribulations this year, all I can say is the things which seem really important, aren’t, the things that you covert don’t waste you time. Be happy with what you have, take care of yourselves and your loved ones. We will get through this.


I agree, these are difficult times and some of our friends appear to he struggling a bit. I hope they know that we are here to support them and hopefully bring a bit of light into their lives.
If ANYONE needs a bit of support, advice, a laugh or just a virtual hug, don’t hesitate to ask. @DLJL is right, we can and WILL get through this.


Hi @WillC @DLJL yea I good thanks I hope you both are will the decorating going well ?


@Gazza_64 yes ta mate, just emulsion to apply tomorrow! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Cool :sunglasses: @WillC relax sit back and marvel then mate


Which marvel is @WillC then @Gazza_64 I think wolverine :rofl::rofl:


@Chosen-one shhhhh! :shushing_face:


Marvel has to be Thor… or Loki… or both :wink:

Seriously though, I think this is a really good post @DLJL it is such a weird time and not being able to socialise like usual and so much uncertainty does affect people.

There are so many lovely people on here that will always listen and offer virtual hugs and smiles, it’s such a treasure :purple_heart:


The banter and crack has been pretty good this afternoon


Is there a useless one that would be me lol @Chosen-one I am a little hairy but no too much lol

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Hey @Melody1 you e not been around much lately hope your ok buddy

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Been back to the heartlands for a long weekend, so yep all good thank you for asking


@DLJL thank you for asking this question. It is important that people watch out for each other.

I have good days and bad days. My youngest (age 11) was shielded, as was I. Sometimes it feels like we are no further on than we were in March. I know other countries are having second waves but I don’t think the UK ever dealt with the first one - it is frustrating and worrying, for me. I follow politics closely, and can’t find much to be encouraged by, at the moment.
However, while I am not so close to wider family, my little household is happy and we are adapting well. We are finding little treats, and we are helping our kids to be teenagers in unusual times. I have good friends - I can’t meet them but most were always quite far-flung, so we keep in touch. I think finding a way of creating a happy home, and of keeping up with friends, goes a long way in terms of feeling ok.
We are lucky - my husband’s job seems to be secure. I know others will have worse worries.
You are quite right:


So true @MsR! My little bubble is ok, my OH was furloughed and it got to her a bit, i was fine as i worked through it all, and got out of the house. Luckily my mom lives two streets away so me and my siblings have been her social bubble. I really try to support our fellow members who have been stuck indoors, i can only begin to imagine how hard it has been. Hopefully this topic spreads a bit of hope, joy and positivity. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you for asking. Im fine. Family are fine and we are all getting by. Big holiday was cancelled so that was a bit of a disappointment but its not life or death and worse things happen at sea etc. I work in a support service for vulnerable people, so its been pretty full on all year. Could do with a nice long beak but cant see that happening until christmas at this point.


I just try and detach from the chaos and hope that it’s part of some grand scheme of fate, karma, God’s plan, wise conspiracy or whatever you prefer, that some good will come out of it, such as for the environment. :earth_africa:


With my job I’m at a pretty high risk so worrying quite a bit. Pretty much resigned myself to the idea that I’ll end up with the virus. :see_no_evil:

On the plus side, week off starting today which will be used for some much needed r&r!


The like was for the week off! Stay as safe as you can :two_hearts:


Since my wife died in 2015 I’ve lived alone and have to fetch for myself in all things, so in one sense, lockdown hasn’t felt much different from normal. It is different, though. The other day I decided to have lunch in a coffee shop in town, which meant signing in for the track+trace thing. If one other customer of that place tests positive for Covid I will have to self-isolate, and I have NOBODY who I can ask to do my supermarket shop for me. Well, I could give my next door neighbours a try, but they both work full time and hardly ever seem to be at home. I have a home delivery contract with Tesco, and they have been UTTERLY USELESS ever since March. Even now, I can’t get a delivery slot less than a month in advance, because - even though I can’t drive, have a compromised left knee and live alone - I am not officially in a high-risk group. Thanks for nothing, Tesco, you bunch of ****holes! :rage:

Beyond the practical difficulties, though, there is the loneliness. Living alone but being able to go out and socialise in person - to hug your friends and, hell, just be in the same room as them - is tolerable. Living alone and only being able to see your friends on zoom (which is like we’re all in separate space capsules, or in fishtanks, waving through the glass at each other) and having not actually touched another human being for 7 months, with no idea of when this is all going to be over - is, frankly, beginning to do my head in. I am on zoom a LOT - 3 or 4 times a week, for several hours at a stretch. It’s a lifeline, yeah, but it’s not enough.