Is it just me or does sex get better with age?!

yep… free as a bird now. Got what ya got and can do whatever ya want with it…


We’re definitely finding it better as we’re getting older, also coming up to 40 and as the kids aren’t as dependent on us anymore we’re not as tired and certainly exploring more. Been trying new toys/positions/kinks etc. last few months that we’d never even talked about. Watched porn together for first time even though we’ve been together over 10 years and it felt amazing to show him what I liked watching and he’s certainly taken some of that on board, I’ve never orgasmed as much or as hard as I have done last 10/12 weeks, keep it coming :grin::heart_eyes::smiling_imp:


Definitely better for me and the husband since we hit our 40s. We are now trying new things and lots more sex :blush:


sounds like youre both blossoming… just wondering what you both showed each other on the porn front. Did you both like similar stuff or were you surprised at each others choices. …Please ignore if you want to keep that private…


We are in our late 50s and our sex life exploded about 10 years ago. We always had a good one, but it went off the charts. I must admit to be a little unsure as to why, but I’m definitely not going to complain.


Same here but I don’t want to be the controlling one and I’m literally liking the start of roughing by my spouse :smiley::heart:


Your absolutely correct. Sex gets better. We are both in our 40s and my sex life has never been better. Maybe because I’m getting sex from my husbands friend as well as hubby lol xx


After 20 years…
Kids have left home…
We now have the space to do whatever we want. We’re also past the clumsiness/awkwardness of teenage sex… Having said that, we still laugh a lot when it doesn’t work (ahh, you just poked my eye…)


We are having the best sex I have ever had in my life now.
I’m in my mid fifties and my wife is 12 years younger, so well into her forties.
Being conscious, intentional, experimental and communicating has lifted it to a whole new level.
It’s not super frequent - but when we have a proper session, it’s amazing!


That’s definitely the case for us.

Since she was diagnosed with Parkinsons disease we have decided to take every opportunity available for sexual pleasure, travel, shopping or whatever. If she wants it, she gets it. No questions asked.


Not with me , I’m afraid . My wife is getting stressed at work. I can’t get it up much , she thinks the reason I can’t get it up is because I don’t fancy her anymore . I worry , because I hate the idea that she thinks it’s her fault that I can’t get it up anymore . I wish their was a way of solving the problem ,without seeing a doctor

Well I haven’t had “proper PIV sex” for years either but sex has got so much better than that as I’ve learnt more about my body and mind, particularly what to think about or not think about while enjoying solo experiences. :drooling_face:


Hats off, you need to take every opportunity… Life’s too short


Just bite the bullet and talk to your GP, one slightly embarrassing conversation can save your relationship… I know us men are useless at talking… But there is those nunam adverts on TV as well…
Just go for it


Same here. Not super frequent for us either, but often we kinda build up to it, thinking what we’re going to wear/do and egging each other on, so that we really go for it come the moment. Some other times though it can be bit more spontaneous, in as much one of us will just be feeling randy and off we go.


Stress at work can be a real dampener on sex and for a relationship in general. We found that if you can’t get rid of the stress then talking to each other about it is the best way, and reassuring the other person that it’s not them that’s the problem. I’d agree with @Craig1234 - a talk with your GP is a way forward. Years ago I would probably have had the same view as you, but these days I’ve come to realise that if I don’t deal with health issues like this then I’m just going to be stressing my OH even more and I love her too much to want to do that.


You could try Viagra if your allowed to take it. Bit pricey. I got some because i thought it might allow me to go twice. Didnt really work for that. I dont have ED so its difficult to say. One thing i do know is that the more you think about it the worse it will get. Her being stressed and then saying you dont fancy her anymore is not helping. PRESSURE !!! She needs to seek help as well.

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I have to admit, any inhibitions we had , got lessened as we aged…we happily masterbate and watch porn together. Probably wouldn’t have when younger.


I miss the intimacy @Serpentwand, solo is ok, I have also explored things I never thought I would, but it’s just not the same :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes it is. Thank you for your reply :smiley: