It’s better because?

Lets try this game. Read what the person has written in the last post and think of another item that would beat it and why, think outside the box and make it fun!

An Egg McMuffin.

A freshly made coffee. There's no better wake up for me than a hot coffee!



Yoghurt, it’s more, ahem, appliable.

Melted Chocolate..

Un-melted chocolate cause it's easier and nicer to eat...l love holding it in my mouth and just letting it melt on my tongue!

Chocolate cake, because it has unmelted chocolate... and cake!

A packet of crisps, because £3.00 and a packet or crisps can get you places...

Two packets of crisps. As whilst the money and first packet will get you there you will need the extra pack for the journey home.

A Danish bun is better because it looks like a boob.

a real boob is better because it doesn't just look like one

Sucking a real boob hard to beat that

giving oral to a woman because nothing beats that

Getting oral from a woman, mmmmm

A 69, anyway up! Double the

A 69 with a prostate massager up me

Being snug and warm as you watch a storm outside.

The above post, but with thefireplace going, and hot chocolates with the beloved.