Iud/iud advice


I am currently considering changing the type of contraception I am on. Last year I had an appointment to get the Mirena coil fitted as I felt this was my preferred option. The doctor sadly was not able to fit it as the opening in my cervix was too tight. The doctor was very experienced so I am sure it wasn't her fault. Because if this I decided to just continue with the mini pill I had been taking as it seemed to be next best option. However I have noticed a lack of sex drive and increased mood swings and frequent down days that I am thinking are not helped by the mini pill. I was wondering if anyone has had something similar with the iud and would it be worth trying again to get it fitted, is there anything I can do to help with insertion on the day? I was on the pill at the time but dunno if that would make a difference. I have found similar problems with other oral contraceptives as well as with the injection and the whole situation really gets me down as I don't want to go back to condom's for multiple reasons.

Thank you

Thank fuck for that, without my reading glasses on, i thought you were on about an IED! 💥

Hi, I’ve been on various types of the pill and did find they affected my moods, although I think I’m prone to depression anyway (so the pill exasperated something already there rather than caused it). I have had less issues with the Mirena, although recently have had some had some really low moods when I have my very occasional, very short, can’t really call it a period period. Not sure if this is due to the coil, my hormones more generally or something else. I don’t think anyone can say with 100% certainty that a contraceptive will or won’t impact you

It may be worth trying again for a coil but it is unlikely to be any different unless you’ve given birth vaginally or turned 30 since. 30 isn’t an exact magic number but things do start to change in the vagina around that time.

Hi, I had the Mirena coil for long time many years ago , didn't really experience any side effects at all. You say it couldn't be fitted due to a tight cervix...may I ask was the attempted insertion during your period? The advice many years ago was always to have it done round about the third day of a period, apparently the cervix is softer then and opens very slightly. Obviously that advice may be out of date now but its just thought.

Unfortunately it's not at all uncommon for this proceedure to be near impossible for women with a tight cervix which is why it used to be the case that it was mainly suitable for older women or women who've had a vaginal birth. Another chat with your GP or practice nurse might be a good idea.

Thanks Kelly, I am already over 30 so not sure if that'll be the case for me. Wildflower - since I was on the mini pill at time of insertion I wasn't having periods (which I did mention at appointment and the said that was fine), maybe it would help to come off them and wait for period to return first in case that helps. Definitely something to discuss with doctor thanks. I know a couple of people who are younger than me and have not given birth who managed to get their coil inserted no problem which is one of the reasons I choose that type so might just be me!

Are you in a long term relationship and don't plan on having any children? You could suggest a vasectomy to your partner. I got one myself and I highly recommend it. Negligible side effects and is covered by many insurances.

I have the copper coil fitted as wanted to come off the hormones and it's great. I did have a couple of issues with a couple of them moving and tbh I had three fitted by one doctor which all had to be pulled out. I then went on the pill which was horrible, when we moved house I went to the family planning clinic in our new local area and they sent me to the hospital to get fitted and that has been secure and in place since. 🙂 I still way prefer the coil as it's such less hassle xx I would get a second opinion

I was on the implant for years and it was awful. I know how bad hormonal birth control can be. You could try and ask about the non-hormonal IUD again to see if anything has changed, but I don't know if that short time would make a difference. If you (and your partner) are 100% on not having any/any more kids would you consider sterilisation? I had my tubes tied last year and I feel so much better not having to deal with unwanted pregnancies and crazy hormones.

You could ask for it to be fitted under twilight anaesthesia. I do know a few women who have had a problem with fitting and either had one fitted during their period or occasionally under anaesthetic.

I used to work in a GUM unit so know they don't like doing it but if you have had a long-term problem with hormonal contraception causing mood disorder you cam ask your GP to refer you or turn up at your local GUM clinic/Women's clinic ane enquire there.

Hormonal problems with mood or sex drive are bloody awful. Simple to sort with time and patience and the right doctor otherwise a nightmare. Good luck.