Jiggle balls

Hi, I've tried the jiggle balls 42g.think they were. But I couldn't really feel anything. Are the heavier ones better. Want them for toning. And stimulation.

Mrs Chimp hasn't used hers for quite awhile, but I think the smaller and heavier they are the more they make you work. Some people find them stimulating, but Mrs Chimp doesn't. She pretty much only used them after she had our twins to stop peeing herself whenever she laughed/ran/climbed stairs/sat down/was looked at funny. πŸ™‚ They worked a treat though. πŸ‘

There's a couple of guides that cover the basics here:


Thankyou mr chimp 😁😜

I have the tracey cox set and they’re really good, i can definetly feel them from time time and find them a huge turn on. They work really well for your kegels too.

I’ve also heard the lelo set are good. My fist set where completely coated in silicone and i didnt find these worked as well for stimulation but where still good for toning.


If the stimulation is important to you you might consider a vibrating egg and alternate this with the kegel exercisers.

I have a few but these are my favourite:


I think you can get them in a black set now, too. They're comfortable to wear and they have a bit of rattle in them.

I believe the bigger and lighter the balls are, the easier they are to keep in and the smaller and heavier, the harder. I have a pair of tiny metal ones that are really difficult to keep in. I would say start with bigger/lighter balls before going for smaller/heavier ones.

I wouldn't say kegal weights (in general) are very stimulating and are more aimed at toning the muscles than pleasure. The only times I can fee the rattles is when I go up and down the stairs or a similar activity. They will help tone you up and make your orgasms stronger, too.