Job Knock backs

It was one of the worst things brought out £25 for a weeks work I was working alongside people earning £300 I knew more about the job and could do it better

That’s true of most jobs! The workers carry the clueless managers! When i worked in the steel industry, you had managers coming in with no knowledge of the industry asking us to change the laws of physics to save money! :joy:

I was on a YTS run by the man power services commision getting paid £25 per week full bus fares to find…found out we were getting a pay rise…wait for it £1.25 per week.
Worked mon-fri 8-4pm.


I done a bit in steel round your area WillC can’t remember their name now ! my age is letting me down

Best £1.35 I had lol had to give me mum £20 of my money

Lots of places round here, or there used to be! My old workplace is now flat wasteland.

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Yeah I had to pay for my board too…


Left with a whole £5 to myself lol

Me too @CurvyJilly, I paid my Mum £10 a week and had bus fares too, had about £10 a week left. Complete rip off! :rage:

@Gazza_64 @CurvyJilly in those days we all paid board and it made us appreciate money more. I was earning from an after school job as soon as i hit 15, so i could buy records, go to gigs, buy hi-fi and bike.

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Mind you we could go out then get hammered it was 37p for half a lager and 39p for half a cider…and call for a bag of chips and gravy on a tray…and have a bit of change…from that pesky fiver…


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I agree @WillC, I never begrudged paying my way, as soon as I was earning, I would by all my own things, I felt good grafting for what I had :slightly_smiling_face:

I could go wild on a £5 mate lol not too crazy though didn’t want to loose my YTS job

To right hun made you what you are today a fantastic person

Snakebites lol on Friday night

The good old days! :joy:

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Yes never again lol :joy:

We had a local disco on a Wednesday under 16’s and Friday over 18’s run by the police we went both never got knocked back lol

Oh, i don’t know! I had a blast in the 80’s vinyl and gigs were about £3, alcohol was cheap…i had hair! :joy:

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You and me both mate a just spiked down the middle