Keeping Animals Out!

I'm afraid humans have no choice but to do what cats want :-(

could you try after you have fed the cat or it's more likley to be sleepy

if the cat has its own toys maybe try to tire it out so that it won't be bothered?

i have two cats they both think my bedroom and bed is theirs, so i just leave the door open, we have never closed our bedroom door, so they would really scratch and cry if we closed it,during play time they come in have a nose see whats happening,when the toys start off they make a run for it,they are very nosey creatures cats,

Actually the first time I played with my cat round was when she was asleep on my pillow and I was horny. And just decided to go for it, as I did not want to kick her out. she did not even notice what I was doing, and slept through it all.

Fluffbags, yeah, I guess dogs can be different, as cats dont have the instincts to protect someone like the dogs do. They will just be curious, but it ends there.

Lovehoney - Alice wrote:

I'm afraid humans have no choice but to do what cats want :-(

lol very true. Although if I say NO or her name in certain way, she does stop whatever she is doing. it means she crossed certain line and has to stop.

We dont really have the same problem although when she was a baby she would curl up and sleep next to our heads during the act, cute but very um off putting lol.

Have you tried using a squirty water bottle on the cat? So generally close your door and every time it scratches squirt it (not soak lol)? Not sure how well it would work with a cat but my cat stopped scratching our carpet after a few splashes and if she sees/hears the bottle.

We have a dog who sleeps in the bedroom and doesn't normally bother about us having sex, but we put him in the kitchen when we're playing with friends; he has been known to get excited by the noises (and no doubt scents) and come close to watch. It's a bit off-putting.

I feel your pain! I have 3 cats and in my house a closed door is very intresting. There have been a couple of times I have had to stop mid play thanks to a curiouse cat!

big crate so you can lock her/him in their when you want alone time? we did that for our dog swear she has thumbs, never met a dog that can open dogs so well

My cat is always watching me and it is definately off-putting. Feeding her won't work - she has strange feeding habits - she eats a bite or two, then stops, then after 10 minutes another bite or two and so on. And she does that even if she is extremely hungry - she probably thinks she is some sort of an aristocrat.

And on top of that, she is so attached to me, that when I go to bed, she comes and snuggles right next to me - uhm, yeah, off-putting to say the least.... If I ditch her out of the room, she would be scratching and whining on the door and I simply can't ignore that.

cats are a pain for this ! i give one of my cats a treat ball it keeps him quite for a bit!

what about feeding your cat or give it a treat, mine love sardines and normally i don't see them for a while as they like to nap after food lol xx

Our last dog used to make me really uncomfortable when were getting jiggy. He used to just sit and stare at us. We have a new puppy now who is still crated and we just put him in till we're done. A small crate for your cat should do the trick.

Ron Burgundy wrote:

Our last dog used to make me really uncomfortable when were getting jiggy. He used to just sit and stare at us. We have a new puppy now who is still crated and we just put him in till we're done. A small crate for your cat should do the trick.

or a special cat bed/cave in another room, maybe with a heat pad

Aren't we animal lovers a sad bunch really. Why not apologise to your cat for the imposition and you and your partner can head out to the shed and leave your cat all cosy in doors.

miss honeybee wrote:

you could get it it's own toy! Ours have a laser which moves about on it's own whichkeeps them entertained, I think it's called a Frolicat!

Honeybee's above suggestion is a pretty good one IMO.

A toy given to the animal specifically at the point that "sexytime" (lol) commences as a sort of reward system should encouage the animal to focus on the reward rather than whatever you're doing.

Hahaha....i have to stop if our cat comes in. He's like one of the kids, so continuing on is just wrong on every level!