ladies, can men wear leggings?

Why not if you feel comfortable wearing them.

@Lollipop dont know if it was a phase thing at that time but thinking about it my OH tells me she would like to wear them again,When she was pregnant she used to wear dungarees.

I live in leggings and I love them. My hubby is a triathlete and is usually in Lycra cycling tights or running tights - both of which look just like leggings. He has great legs and tbh I'm so used to seeing him wearing those that men wearing jeans or trousers actually makes me look twice. If you want to wear them go for it - gets the thumbs up from me ☺

Teacake they are very comfortable and can be worn with most things.

I usually buy at size 8 but bought them in a size 10 so a have a bit more room for me and bump, when or if I can't get into them in a few months I'll have to buy a bigger size lol, doesn't matter they are very cheap to buy. :)

I think a man in female oriented clothing is sexy. For me it displays a level of vulnerability that I like.