Ladies masturbating? Why is it not as common as men?

This is not true in my case as I masturbate more than my man


@Hornywife1 really doubt she does. If se dies then she hides it very very well! She jus not as a sexual person as us


There is always something else to do. :woozy_face::woozy_face:


Don’t know if I would call female masturbation uncommon. Maybe women don’t masturbate as much as the guys however they are certainly having their solo fun.

Heck look at the sex toy industry. While the number of toys for penis havers is increasing, sex toys for many years were geared towards vagina having folks. Common toys such as vibrators, dildos, etc. Now there are clit sucking toys, pussy and clit pumps, toys for double penetration, nipple clamps , ride on and thrusting sex machines etc. Why? Because folks with vaginas are masturbating. It’s a multi billion.dollar industry with a large part of that for focused on female pleasure.

Also, many female focused talk shows / magazines openly discuss female masturbation/pleasure. Hell I think Oprah did a show years back talking about pleasure and toys. I think it’s pretty much accepted in the west nowadays that many women own and use toys and yes masturbate while men using toys to masturbate is still somewhat taboo. YouTube is filled with toy reviews and videos discussion female masturbation techniques. Lastly vagina having folks have a clitoris, the sole organ in humans who sole function is to provide sexual pleasure. Seems like an incentive to masturbate to me.

While many may not talk about it openly, many vagina having folks are enjoying their solo fun just as much if not more than us penis having people.

My two cents.


@Cumalot82 = there are a lot more great sex toys for women now!

My wife quite blaise days sometimes yeah I play with myself sometimes and make myself cums.

It’s less messy when you / guys do it…

My wife can just use her fingers or knuckles and make herself cum with no mess or clean up. When I go solo / most men we have to plan where to cum when to cum how not to make a mess and have to clean up :thinking:

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Found a great series of videos on the YouTube the other night titled “The truth about female masturbation”

Several videos containing clips of women having open frank discussions about masturbation. Great watch for any women who may feel shame, guilt, other negative feelings about it.

Makes you realize how common masturbation is and how it has a big role in many women’s sexual happiness.


Not sure it is true that women masturbate less than men, they are possibly more discreet when they do. It is likely in both sexes that there are individuals that do and do frequently and those who don’t. Historically it might have been the case in more repressed times.


When you are a young girl and learning about masturbating it’s all on your own, girls that age don’t talk about it, in sex education they didn’t talk about it, I guess it also depends on sex drive. I need to get it out of my system and start the day stress free. Only as a woman did I start feeling absolutely no shame about it. I’m lucky I have friends I can be open with about this stuff but it’s not the sort of thing most women talk about. It’s sad there is still shame attached to it for some women, almost like it’s not allowing themselves that guilty pleasure I think


When i was younger i used to masturbate much more than the wife. When the wife reached her 40s something changed and she now masturbates much more often than me. Before this she has always told me that she had never masurbated.


Half is perception, I think. Girls hide what they do. The other half could be a lack of initiative. Girls are socially and physically “receptive” in general. Like a leftover feminine role or something.


I just see it as a personal thing unlikely to be brought up unless I’m really close and even then there’s just something awkward about talking about how you touch yourself?
Maybe it’s just me.
I assume most vulva owners had a lil explore once they started wearing jeans and found that little bit of friction from the seam when you sit just right. Like, everyone’s different, maybe you’re not a jeans person. That’s okay. I was scandalised by the thought of touching myself for many years. Then I did it and what’s that saying about a can of worms?

Saying that, despite encouragement I struggle to do it in front of the Mr. and he’s seen it all (including the bowel needs, we have a very open door thing going on) so maybe it’s some kind of ingrained shame we have after all. I’m trying to break through it, somehow, but it’s like grabbing a bar of soap with soapy hands. You think you’ve got it and then your whole body is shaking and your yelling at yourself to come before you chuck an aneurism. Even tonight, after sex I whipped out the old womaniser and what usually takes 30 seconds took several minutes just because he was watching. He’s my best friend and who I trust the most in the whole world, it shouldn’t be difficult but it is.
But then because he was watching, I made a right mess eventually so therefore and thusforth, another vulva paradox to decode
Honestly we are full of them it’s not worth falling out over, you’ll make amends and then find something else that’s different to the Willy owners :joy:


Oh dear @Weeradge where do I start … Firstly I am an older woman, not old but older than most here… I never had kids before I got a wedding ring but had kids after it and I’ve even been referred to a nympho which I thought was some kind of fairy. No Google to research in those days.
I have always had a high sex drive and it was my hubby’s that used to say they had a headache (our bed wasn’t too wee either so no headache was caused by banging it off the headboard. Everyone is different not just in a male/female way either . My nicknames went from Duracell to Mrs Walton to Ariston to the old woman who lived in a shoe and probably some I never heard. Since I left my 2nd hubby I’ve had no sex and didn’t really miss it as there was a lot going on so it wasn’t a wedding ring that stopped me then either . Recently I’ve found LH and I’m trying out different toys and absolutely loving it so your ignorant theory doesn’t refer to me.



“This forum is not representative, because the women here are in the minority ( and have very lucky partners)”

Mmmm can you tell me where my partner is please? I never knew I had one :joy:


I think it is down to the individual. My opinion is it is just how open people are to discuss it. Self exploration is healthy. Everyone loves a play… my current OH is quite willing to talk about it and does it even when I am home sometimes where as my ex partner wasn’t so open but still played regularly. It’s just an individual thing some people are happy to discuss it more than others.
For the record I love a tug :rofl::rofl:


I didn’t start masturbating until I was in my 20’s because I went to a toy party in my friends home and got myself a couple of toys. This was over 25 years ago. I didn’t masturbate all the time and I rarely talked about it except with my friend/sister. Im almost 50 years now and coming into my own. However, I don’t think this is commonly known but Anne Frank’s diary was edited to not include her description of sexuality and knowing her own body. She would have detailed descriptions of her anatomy, particularly her female genetalia and her experiences of self touch. I’d also add women have been able to find sexual freedom due to contraception and not having to be the one to bear the responsibility of a child, so in that way, perhaps in the past, women have more freedom now than ever before. But I remember the urges as a teenager of wanting to be sexual and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I just don’t talk about it with most people, only close friends. There’s no need to open uncomfortable situations, but it certainly doesn’t mean we don’t masturbate. My experience is when I’m doing well in my libido, my whole relationship benefits.


I’ve read updates in this thread when they’ve come up but never actually commented, I always thought I had.

I don’t think its that we don’t do it, its more that there are other things to talk about than having a wank.

I’ve masturbated and not told anyone apart from my partner to make him a bit twitchy. I’ve never had any women friends tell me they’ve masturbated and the only men that have told me are men that I was having sex with. I’m not hiding it, I just don’t feel the need to share it.


I think you’re on to something there… most probably aren’t going to talk about something personal like that even with close friends.

Of course, grow up with siblings and you find things out just by proximity… :rofl:


I think that most women like to masturbate also, possibly not quite as much as stereotypical men, but I think most definitely do. I think the big difference is how much women are willing to talk about it with others and admit they do it, and like to do it.

I’m in my 30’s now but, probably like many, started to masturbate in my teens. At the time I would have rather done anything than admit or it be found out that I masturbated, for fear of being called slutty or dirty. It just wasn’t something we talked about with friends. Even sometime later when vibrators were mentioned it was like we had them but couldn’t admit what they were used for!

I think there is also some underlying thought or old thinking that men ‘need’ to masturbate so it’s all good whereas women can just ‘choose’ whether to do it or not and by ‘choosing’ to masturbate for pleasure this is somewhat slutty especially if it is often or toys are involved. Very strange thinking but I think there is some truth to it.

I’ve always been open with my husband that I like to masturbate frequently and it has been talked about with a couple of close female friends also. I think things have moved on somewhat in the last 20 years and I have already had a ‘talk’ with my daughter where it’s been discussed and that it is a very normal and OK thing to do.


I think it is about not admitting it. I remeber my female friends all saying they don’t do it and then one night when we were drunk someone admitted they did and it turns out everyone does it and quite often.

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I have been reincarnated…
I used to be a monkey… Its a natural thing for me :grin: :grin: :grin: :sweat_drops:

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