LH you are the greatest

It is tough :(

So my tester product arrived today, holy crap i think im gonna die lol! Although i must say im very excited!

Virtual hugs to all of you who are having a rough time just now : ( it's so nice to hear that the tester email has cheered you up. When I have a rotten day at work seeing that precious email in my inbox at lunchtime is the only thing that puts a smile on my face!

Ruby Red Slippers wrote:

Virtual hugs to all of you who are having a rough time just now : ( it's so nice to hear that the tester email has cheered you up. When I have a rotten day at work seeing that precious email in my inbox at lunchtime is the only thing that puts a smile on my face!

Amen to this!! lol

HisLilMissy wrote:

MissBrownEyes92 wrote:

Ok well not going into too much detail..today has been one of the worst that i've had in over a year. I've had to cancel my trip this summer (the one chance i would have got to get out of the country). It's 3 years today since i lost my friend and current money problems mean that i'm gonna be struggling for a good 6 months or so!

I've spent the entire day at work trying not to cry or break down and in general feeling like a complete mess wishing that my birthday money would hurry up and clear so i could treat myself on LH for what would most likley be the last time for a good few months.

The second i got home i logged onto here to catch up with you all you never fail to make me laugh (my thread on wanting to know what 'scat' meant comes to mind more than ever there!) and saw that i had a new order pending. Assuming this was to do with the item i returned a few days ago i checked my email account to see what time roughly this would be arriving and to my total shock found an email instead telling me that i had been selected to test a dildo out!

Let me just get this though to everyone... I have NEVER won anything or been selected in my entire life, and never in my wildest dreams did i ever think i would be selected on here where there are so many people wanting to product test! Not only that but i was looking at this exact dildo the other day and had every intention of adding it to my basket anyway (and then being sad this morning when i realised i could no longer afford that)... but yeah...

I just want to thank LH so much! This is the greatest thing that could have happened today! This has put a smile on my face! Thank you for choosing me and i promise a good review :)

although at a nearly 6inch girth this is my widest toy so far eeeek! (although that excites me even more! :)

YAY!! I'm so glad that something could help you to feel better today. =)

The anniversary for the date that my best friend just passed. It has been 13 years. And it is still rough. But it does get easier as time goes on. Keep your head up, friend.

Anyway, I look forward to reading your review. ^_^

I'm sorry to hear that HisLilMissy. Take care of yourself x