living with the OH

I moved in with my first long term bf and was ready to kill him after two months. Wish I had moved in with him sooner because I woundnt have wasted three years of my life with him. I kicked him out after 6 months.
My hubby moved in with me after less than three months. I had worries and concerns but it all worked out for the best. Two kids later and a marriage I would do it all agin the same way.
I think your both ready. You spend all your weekends together and both are looking at this in an adult way. Just make sure one of you has a back up plan of somewhere to go of it doesn't work out. X x good luck

curiousme wrote:

I also agree that if you need to ask then there must be doubt so probably not the best idea. The reason I ask though is because I know it's what I want and what she wants. I have no doubts at all. But it is a big decision, and my last step is asking from others with experience who may mention things I haven't considered.

That's what is usually found in these type of threads, and I was pleasantly surprised by what I read. Asking experience is always legit :)

There are always a few things, and there will be ones you find as you go, but, you sound pretty well prepared to deal with it.
Like, we still have odd minor things now but we deal with it as it comes. You learn as you go :)

Yeah, and we are looking forward it all.

Just need to think of how I bring it up, that's the tricky bit now.