
Hugs Evil and Gorgeous


Thanks Dee, feel like I could really do with them. I know I seem like I'm being soft and my sense of pride is ridiculous in that I don't want people to feel I've let them down by leaving him. We met at school and were the golden couple of our year and to see its crumbled over 6 and a half years down the line really hurts :(

SexyBumBully wrote:

evilandgorgeous, I know it seems like that to me too. Me and the OH are closer to breaking up than getting engaged. He has a lot of trust issues with me at the moment. Thinks im cheating on him. (I would never!!) We had a pregnancy scare a few weeks ago and he told me if I was pregnant he'd break up with me because there's no way it could be his. It broke my heart.

Oh wow sorry I missed this..here's me moaning about a little bit of singleness and you're going having this to go through :( argh so sorry you're having that with your OH :( imma shut up now lol

And you too EAG ow I want to give everyone a happy cookie

Oh, I'm so sorry. It's never nice when a relationship turns sour. Is it worth working out or is it something that can't be fixed? It's sad that you don't have anybody to talk to nearby. Online chatting sometimes just doesn't cut it. It's hard to deal with on your own. Hopefully its for the best that it'll all come out *massive hug* xx

TTurtle, don't worry about it, this thread is all about having all about having a little moan about our lives :) Hopefully your singledom will come to an end soon!

I know he desperately wants it to work, when I walked out he just sat on the floor and cried his eyes out saying the only thing he'd ever wanted in life was to be with me and for us to be happy. He hasn't realised how much I've been struggling along lately. I work 45 hours a week on different shifts, sometimes working late to early and still come home to have to do the housework. I just feel worn down and I don't think I should feel like this. I'm 23, surely I should be enjoying myself a little knowing my partner is supportive?

I mentioned moving out the other day and have started looking for a house for myself, his reaction was to say he was gutted we'd lose our current house but at least he'll be able to do what he wants all summer (he's a teacher so he'll be off) and thats to sit and play xbox and not have any responsibilities! Eurgh.

what a waste you better off on your own by the sounds of it

In the long run yeah I can see that I will be better off. I'm just struggling to pick up the pieces of the shattered illusion I had of the future and to be totally honest, I'm a little scared of being on my own (people don't belive me when I say that as I have an outgoing personality and am pretty independent but its true!)

Wow. Him saying he want's it to work but saying he'd be able to do what he wants over the summer is abit confusing! I completely understand where your coming from, you feel like he's not pulling his weight around the house. You should be enjoying yourself. You need time to socialise and relax too. It's not like he doesn't have time to do any house work! Its sad that after so long together your breaking up. I'm a big believer in fate. My opinion is, if it's meant to be, it will be. Maybe he's not who your supposed to end up with? (sorry if it sounds bitchy) :/ xx

Bloody hell! Is it bad that I’ve cheered up after reading your comments? I mean I’m certainly not glad that any of you are feeling down but I guess my name is Misery and I like company.

You see I’ve just come out of a four year relationship and broke off an engagement. We weren’t making each other happy anymore and resentment had kicked in so it was the right choice. I just hope that we can be friends in the future.

Still, at times it’s hard. You just got to remember that tomorrow is another opportunity for happiness. Until then though, there is always your box of tricks from LH to get you through the night!

I hope everything works out for you guys! I can't really give any advice as I've only been in one relationship that wasn't exactly good for either of us and I hate even thinking about it. I've been single since then, and thinking about it now, it's probably because I'm just put off relationships - especially seeing how others are struggling in theirs. I'd love to find someone who will make me happy and will be happy with me. Hopefully I won't have to wait too long :D

Yeah, really confusing! He has plenty of time to do housework but instead sits playing xbox, playing his guitar or drums or watching.... wait for it.... wrestling (I thought boys grow out of that at about 12?!) I haven't done any housework since Tuesday last week (I have worked every days since though) and I asked him what he'd done in the way of housework and he said he'd filled the dishwasher twice and hoovered the rug in the living room. Compare that to the fact that I cook whenever I'm home, I do all the washing, the ironing, clean the bathrooms, tidy up, hoover everywhere that isn't the lounge, do the dusting, do the gardening (because when asked to mow the lawn he turned around and said it wasn't his job) and wash my car (even did his once because I didn't want to be embarrass by association at how dirty it was!). I think I pull my finger out a little more, just a little.

I don't think you're being bitchy SBB, I'd call it giving an honest perspective :)

Sorry to hear you've just gone through a break up too Ignatius. I won't forget about my box of tricks either, though its costing me a lot more in batteries these days! :P

I hope you find someone too. Please don't be put off relationships just because others are having a tough time. A relationship wouldn't be that if there weren't good and bad times. The best part of any relationship is showing your stong enough to get through the bad. If you can't get through the bad, its not meant to be :)

e&g that is shocking! I don't think i could deal with housework arguments. we share ours as equally as possible. I do a little more because I'm home more but otherwise its shared. You do more than pull your finger out. God, id hate to see how bad the house would look if he lived alone.

It sucks there are so many break ups at the moment. It seems to be the theme this summer!

yeah lonley too at the moment. dosent help i went to my parents on Monday - so a little homesick to add to it.

i've not had sex/romantic affection in about 6 months so just want cuddles and someone to spoon.

Yeah tell me about it! Think he'd send his washing home to his mum tbh! I had my first day off in 8 days and got so frustrated at the state of the house (I'm making a point to him to try and show how much I do do, wait till he runs out of socks and pants, going to see if he does some washing or goes out and buys more)

Just while I'm still ranting and going on (sorry I've taken over this thread a little!) we decided a few weeks back we'd have a 'date' every week, just to the cinema. Decided we'd go in my car, half way there he turns around and says 'its like going somewhere with a mum'. Either he means he sees me more as a mother figure (even though I'm 4 months younger than him) or he was insulting my car. He claims he said it on the basis of my new car being more 'family sized'. Moron.

Break ups suck. Anyone for a holiday to escape from all this for a week or two?!

Aww. Cuddles are my favourite thing in the whole world *big cuddle* sweetlove :) xx

Break ups suck. Anyone for a holiday to escape from all this for a week or two?!

I wish I could afford a holiday! That's another thing with me - i want to go back to uni and find a job, because im already paying for my new house there, but then my mum wants me to stay home. We moved literally just before I went to uni so I hardly know anyone in the area now. I could definitely use a good friend :)

And I can imagine all this being hard, you want things to work out because you obviously love and care for the person but sometimes you just don't know what to do and get frustrated because it feels like they don't care as much? Possibly?

Urgh. Why do men have to be such dicks! Let me know how the no cleaning goes!

My OH told me today that I couldn't drive, right before I was about to drive home alone from a place I'd never been to before! I was like "are you kidding?!"

He's just being an idiot. Your both pretty hostile at the moment, any chance to have a slight dig. We're the same. Except when I try and say anything, he just calls me a slag or something that resembles that word.

I could do with a holiday and ive only just come back from one!

Where have you moved to and wheres uni pinkpolkadot? Surely your mum cant force you to stay at home, your a grown woman. I know u wouldnt wana hurt her but you need ur own space and having a job is important! I was the golden child until I moved out and then my mum was pretty upset with me. We're good again now though and im the golden child again :)