Longer lasting sessions

well golden root didnt do a thing for him but theres ones left so im gonna take it one day to se the difference for me

Well all I can say is you can lead a horse to water but cannot make it read the previous post ...sadly

Have him practice Kegel exercises. They work for guys too and the result is you can hold back the tide longer. The easiest way for a guy is to to stop peeing 3x everytime he takes a leak. He'll gradually get stronger and be able to hold back climax longer. As a bonus, when he goes off, it will be stronger! Worked for me.

Now i thought it was a bad idea to stop/start mid-stream and that kegel excercises are best performed with an empty bladder or they could have the opposite effect?? It's good to stop mid-stream to get to know which muscles to use but then to practise with an empty bladder I thought?? But then this seems to have worked for you.

Sorry can't help on this one, thing of yesteryear for me thank the lord. Good luck with the quest however, if l come up with anything it's yours.


How to identify the pelvic floor muscles
The Australian Department of Health and Ageing provides guidelines on pelvic floor exercises for men. They recommend that the first step is to find the appropriate muscles around the anus and the urethra.

Start by sitting or laying comfortably with the muscles of your thighs, bottom and stomach relaxed. Tighten the ring of muscle around your anus without squeezing your bottom.

To feel these muscles around the urethra, try to stop your flow of urine mid-stream, and then restart it.

You should only do this to find which muscles to use, or to check your progress. Don't practice this more than once a week, or it could affect your ability to pass urine.


Ah yes, l remember, once reading of a technique, involved him masturbating until approaching a crescendo, then firmly grasping the area around the rim and holding still until the impending crisis had abated somewhat, then doing it all again. Thought it sounded like an excuse to indulge in solitary vice myself, but l reckon the end justifies the means. With practice the guy can be trained to develop this as a coping mechanism, don't think he needs to whip it out or have you hold it. Believe it's a mental thing like so many things are.... just how you introduce it into polite conversation, not as much of a problem if you are in either the Army or Australian !!

Hope this doesn't turn out to have been complete bollocks!


i've been talking to him about this and since he's been on his course his fitness levels have dramatically increased obviously and he seems to be lasting longer so we thought it might have been something to do with this, is it possible that fitness levels can affect the length of the session??

Don't know, used to be fit to Olympic standard and had a hair trigger- now the reverse and can run forever if l choose....so no help there l guess!!! Sorry.


Hmm when my bf gets close (too close) we stop and move onto kissing or me getting some solo pleasure to give him a break and that works well. The cool down period helps and we do that over and over again, so when he does come its pretty intense. Practise makes perfect as i know its hard to hold off! But its all in the mind good luck

when hubby gets too close and knows he wont last long he usually withdraws and goes down on me or similar, it calms him down and he can then often go for a bit longer again,

sorry to hear you didnt have much luck with the golden root honey, Ive still not tried them yet but have 6 just waiting to be tried hehe, ill let you know if they work for us when hubby is brave enough to take 1 lol

There is always the lolly stick splint....lol

sexymel88 wrote:

well golden root didnt do a thing for him but theres ones left so im gonna take it one day to se the difference for me

has he tried a cock ring mel

sexymel88 wrote:

i've been talking to him about this and since he's been on his course his fitness levels have dramatically increased obviously and he seems to be lasting longer so we thought it might have been something to do with this, is it possible that fitness levels can affect the length of the session??

That might well be connected as he will have been working inadvertantly on his core stability muscles and in particular the transversus, which is linked to his pelvic floor muscles.

The welcome by-product of this is that he should be able to exert more control physically.

As regards TB's comments, obviously any level of fitness induced control can be overridden by your mind. Generally as you get older you have a better ability to not pull that hair trigger, but maybe you are just too darn hot for your own good sexymel!

Does it involve lolly sticks, or is it a euphemism for something more akin to the pink oboe and the playing of- lifelong learning l love it !!! but will have to await my return to discover the answer l guess.


I can vouch for cock rings helping to delay the end, vibrating ones are even better according to my missus. ;)

my god i HAD the same trouble , 30 seconds if i was lucky , Now china brush completely turned this around, put it on the penis , wait 30mins wash off , i end up stopping now , dont pay any more than a tenner for it though , trust me china brush works , when i say it works , i mean it works , try nothing else , go buy it , and see

I know its an oldie but has he tried batting one out a couple of hours before you get your freak on. Its cheap, easy, chemical free, pleasurable & if he practices(he should enjoy the practicing parts!) trying to stop himself blowing his load when he's on his own (a LOT less pressure) it should be easier with you. Be patient, it will get better if he pratices (those pelvis squeeze excerises are good too).

You could always treat your fella to a Fleshlight to practice with, if can last there, he can last anywhere (I noticed an improvement of staying power after I got mine) ! You might even earn yourself some Brownie points! (Do Brownies actually get points?, what do they have a nectar card?)