‘Losing’ a Toy!

Hi Peeps xx

I have a good number of anal toys and love them. Almost all of my toys have a t-bar, which to be honest feels most comfortable when wearing, but also confidence I will not ‘lose’ it. I have only one jewelled plug, which does look nice … as they always do! :wink:, but I do worry about it being ‘sucked up’. I use it only occasionally as a result, but always attach a bit of cord - just in case when I do!, and don’t wear it for very long either.

I just wonder if any of you amazing people have similar worries, or have ‘lost’ a toy in such a way, and what happened??

Laid in bed wearing my lovely silicone t-bar for a while.

Thx in advance.

R xx


Correct me if I’m wrong but normally the jewel butt plugs have a flared base, and they are made specifically for the butt… Plus there’s so many models and brands of that kind of toy for years, if it wasn’t safe, by now toy makers would have given up on it, wouldn’t they?

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Circular bases never feel quite as safe as t-bar, and often they aren’t.

I would say that providing the base is wider than the widest (insertable) part of the toy, that the toy is an appropriate size for you (ie would you easily be able to take something bigger than the base of the jewelled plug? If yes, then you need to go up in size) and you aren’t doing anything that is putting pressure on it or making it move a lot, then it should be fine.


Yep T bar toys are defo the best style for anal wear and even tying some cord around your jewelled one is a perfect idea to do :ok_hand:

I have on a few occasions lost a toy up there and it was like hot sweat panic stations!! Luckily I’ve been fortunate to always get them out again lol

I lost a toy after getting to enthusiastic and had to spend time in hospital and go to theatre to have it removed, not my finest hour.

I lost inside a buttplug because I moved around, the base was a little smaller than the diameter of the plug. After that I threw it in the bin after I got it out.
I got it out with a helping “hand” from my wife, she luckily could grap the base and pull the plug out.
Otherwise it would be a quite embarrassing trip tool the hospital.

oookay I clearly had misconceptions about them… :cold_sweat:

My Husband lost his butt plug up there, he went in such a panic when he realised, me, on the other hand couldn’t stop laughing :joy:
Luckily for him he did manage to retrieve it and Since then its gone in the bin.

Had a bullet get “sucked in” early in my exploration days. Didn’t do that again…