Lovehoney Iphone app login failed

I downloaded the iphone app last night but when I try and log in it says account not found. I tried again today thinking maybe it was because of the damand last night but still the same.

I know I'm using the right login details!

Anyone else had any trouble?

The app isn't connected to the accounts yet, it's stiil a work in progress

That would be why then!

Eeek can't wait for it to be up and running xxx

cant wait for this! any of you lovely people know when it will be up and running properly? :-)

Ohh yes, would like to know when it will be working. Always on it on my phone

Heya folks, it'll be a while yet, as it's quite tricky on both sides to link up. Then we have to get it past Apple again. World of Hurt I'm afraid.

Can I just point out that the images look bad on a retina display (iPhone 4/4S). Just to try and help!

is it coming to Android too?

Any news on this yet?x


Apple are famously strict on "explicit" content in their apps. Not sure how successful LH will be in getting this approved.

will it be on android ?

^ Yes, i'd like to know if it will be available for android too.

will it be on windows phone apps? iv just got rid of my iphone and got a nokia lumia so missing out on alot of apps, wount want to miss out on a LH app :(