Maintaining sex life with kids

Hi, not sure if anyone is in a similar boat. We are 40, and have 3 young kids, the eldest is ADHD and ASD and takes a lot of emotional energy. My sex drive is very high, and as a bisexual man, we are becoming more open with our sexuality and kinks. How do you maintain your sex life with a busy house and lots of pressures that come with it? Thanks for advice.

Marriage/relationships with small kids is tough. My advice is to try and develop and maintain a routine with the children and then plan your sex life around this. Meal time, bed time etc same time everyday as an example. Though this doesn’t always work as we are human beings and not robots it did seem to help us when our children were small.

Thank you so much - good tips!
Did your sex life in your 40s?

Prior to kids our sex life was great. Kids definitely put a strain on your sex life to the point that you go through some dry spells.

Early forties we were still dealing with our kids, sex time usually had to be planned around them. Late forties as the kids were older it became much easier and we found our groove again. Started re-exploring our kinks. Fifties and now into our sixties our sex life is off the charts.

Life is a roller coaster. Don’t let the stress and strain of raising a family damper your relationship. Your kids will grow and have their own relationships and life adventures and you and you OH will still have each other. So during the times where it seems like you have little time for each other make sure to find a way to keep your love and sex life alive. Little gestures and time to sneak in a quickly go a long way.

Thank you; that’s so reassuring. Always imagined reaching 40 and everything starting to die down!

With great difficulty unfortunately…
You need to plan some time fir both of you to switch off and don’t talk about the kids