Male Pill V's The Snip

The missus is sugguesting the snip & I have a very good mate who had SERIOUS problems with it, I'd prefer an less serious solution.

Does anyone recomend the snip, what & where do they actually cut? I don't fancy getting my scrotum sewn to my leg by accident or my ass wired shut.

Anyone out there actual taking the male pill or know anyone who does. Do they do those long term implanted pills like they do for sheilas? How do you know when you need a refill? Any side effects?

hey mucky, i thought they was still only doing trials on the male pill at the mo but i could be wrong.

a few years ago on this morning they did a show about getting the snip and actually showed one happening live so if u go on youtube im sure your be able to find the video for the experlations and what they really do. theyve also done video's showing how to examine your balls and breasts.

hope that helps


ps ive seen a really good pic for ur profile on photobucket, type in kinky icons and look for the yellow rubber duck!

I got the snip done. They make a small cut (seriously small) in the scrotum then tie the vas deferens off. I had no problems after getting it done. It has improved our sex life mainly because of not worrying about condoms getting lost, falling off etc.

Snip! Snip! Snip!

Sorry to hear about your mate, however I would suggest he may be the exception rather than the norm... I thought through the risks involved and decided that I'm far more comfortable about a physical procedure with absolute proof of success rather than trusting in some (new) chemical/hormonal pill/implant that might have some other side effects.

KinkyWolf is absolutely right though - it's quick, easy and, once the healing period is complete, guaranteed! Although I greatly enjoyed the whole unprotected, "thigh-bone connected to the knee-bone" aspect of trying to make babies, having the snip took all that "will the contraception work?" aspect out of sex.

The procedure is very quick - about 15 minutes - and the worst bit was having to make small talk with the people doing it! (They're used to guys not being very forthcoming at the time!) There's a day or two of discomfort (like after a kick in the balls) but the missus gave me a lot of respect and allowed me to lounge around on the sofa most of the time - after all, it's beneficial for her too!

[An American friend of mine who'd had it done recommended the "cold six-pack of beer" approach to recovery; press one can against the affected area and drink another one. When that can's finished, drink the one that was acting as a compress and replace it with a new one - repeat until you need a new six-pack]

From my understanding the problem with the male pill is that men make so many sperm!. It only takes one to fertilise the egg. The first trials had massive problems with side effects ie they turned off testosterone ( which would have meant men losing facial and body hair and growing breasts) in the testes and needed hormone patches ( to keep the hair and lose the moobs ) but these caused headaches and jaundice. Recent trials have been more successfull but still rely on implants and taking a pill.

I would trust my man to take the pill, I am as forgetfull as a goldfish! and have to leave myself a note in the toilet and breadbin to remember to take it.

Vasectomies are usually very safe The main problems are reaction to anaethestics. Swollen testicles after surgery and testicles feeling or looking full due to stored sperm ( do you guys imagine that as a problem! )

My man said he would have the snip for me , but we will wait a few years before choosing.

I remember when my Dad had it done. Think he found being shaved the worst part and then sat on bag of peas for a couple of days afterwards.

Oh err, there's no right or wrong, I don't fancy growing moobs & losing all my hair but chopping my nuts up also shits me up. I might be a brave soldier & watch that youtube link.

Do they do the snip if you go in shit faced drunk?, I wouldn't give a damn then... I'd probably let em do it wih two bricks after a gallon of Story Teller (Stella)!

Mucky, I think they might have a problem with a drunk patient - it might counter the effect of the anaethestic...

I recall my legs were a little reluctant to work that morning, but I'm mighty glad I went through with it.

And red queen, I was told that you didn't have to shave before the procedure these days (but I used it as an excuse to try it out!)

No problem with the snip had it done years ago .It was either that or my lady would have to have the coil thingy fitted.S o if your happy with your family numbers and your missus have it done and forget about anymore contraceptive problems and enjoy yourselves

Hey carly now you have really put mucky off

LoveHoney - Carly wrote:

Wednesday morning and I'm posting pictures of testicles... My life is strange!

Sounds like a good remake of the Cure's 'Monday I'm Love'. External Media

Ash wrote:

Mucky, I think they might have a problem with a drunk patient - it might counter the effect of the anaethestic...

Alcohol has the same effect actually. Taking both would most likely kill you. But I think he was suggesting drink instead of the anaesthetic, which could work. Though you'd have to be very hammered to pass out.

personally the idea of taking a pill which stops you getting someone pregnant seems a little unsafe lol id go for the snip its a painless procedure an dloads of guys have it xx

kinkboyuk wrote:

Ash wrote:

Mucky, I think they might have a problem with a drunk patient - it might counter the effect of the anaethestic...

Alcohol has the same effect actually. Taking both would most likely kill you. But I think he was suggesting drink instead of the anaesthetic, which could work. Though you'd have to be very hammered to pass out.

Sounds like a challenge!

LoveHoney - Carly wrote:

The rather gorgeous and amazingly talented model Twwly wrote a and the problems he had with it. There's even a photo (NSFW) of what happened after the procedure!

Oh sweet jesus!!! Take it away!

I like how the 'caution, disturbing photo' warning is in the same frame as the gnarled knacker!

My mate had somethingvery similar, his balls are now the size of coconuts (years on). It might be funny at new years when he swings em round but he suffers sommat awful.

I'm still building up for the youtube link!

Thanks everyone, but I am still sitting on the fence (for now). Any more advice or soothing words?

I agree, Mucky, not a pleasant sight... If I'd have seen that I might have had second thoughts too.

A couple of things occur to me though...

The nature of people being people, guys are more likely to post on a website about their snip going wrong than they are if it went without a hitch. So, for every one of these horror story sites, there are probably hundreds or thousands of happy customers...

That particular article was sourced out of North America and I'm always a little leery of surgery over there... (Too many surgeons wanting to make a name for themselves in the journals) I believe that the procedure is a little more 'routine' in the UK with organisations such as Marie Stopes that base their business model wholly around sexual health. (Yep, it's a business, but a major part of their revenue stream would be compromised if complications occured frequently.)

Carly, in the interest of balance, can I ask that you chase down that blog? (I wish I'd had the prescence of mind to do that at the time!)
