Male stroker

I can admit the best male striker I have yet to find. But love honey. Has an amazing Adjustable Clitoral Suction Dual Vibrato. This product will blow your mind


Ooh :hushed: would you say this is equally good for men to use too?

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What is this called would love to get it for my partner

@AJSTAR and @bam.jestar the Adjustable Clitoral Suction Dual Vibrator is one of the items on the current prototype tester list :lovehoney_heart: Prototype Pals - Feedback needed!. @jermhe17110 does not own one, it has not been finalised or released yet and doesn’t seem to have anything to do with a Male Stroker :woman_shrugging:t2:



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The best striker? According to my husband, that’s the legend, Alan Shearer.

Now if you want the best stroker, he vouches for the Lovehoney Ignite 20 Function Mini Male Vibrator :slight_smile:

I have to look into this!

Ooh interesting :thinking:

My go to favourite non powered is the arcwave pow stroker, stealthy, easy clean and feels amazing.