
I had an sti test once and it put me off for life, another came in and they were just stood looking into me chatting, feel sick just thinking about it! But each to their own

Not a chance! It's the only thing that puts me off having kids, I've made it very clear to the OH that when we have kids no one is going in there unless it's absolutely neccesary, I don't care how dialated i am!

Totally agree with C&E! And when you do come around to having kids, you're in so much pain you don't care who is having a look up there! As long as they're a professional and they have access to drugs then you don't care what they do haha!

I thought I should add that having to see people very close to me go through cancer, it really is something you need to keep on top of and catch as early as you can. You can talk about dignity all you like, but for the sake of feeling a bit embaresed for five minutes compared to living with months of being in pain, losing your hair, not being able to feed yourself, not being able to use the toilet yourself and going through a lot of painful treatments...I would rather have those five minutes than months on end of dealing with that.

Exactly, look at what happened to Jade Goody, she put off her tests for a good while and now she's got two little ones without a mum.

Yeah I want all the monitoring going, I want to hear every heart beat, see them constantly, but you're not fingering me every half hour to say I'm still only 4cm lol

I totally understand that mrs but I check for lumps and changes on us both, boobs, testicles, vagina, moles I think that's enough, it seems to be only the personal ones they chose to check up on. I think it does have something to with the fact I've never known anyone with cancer, my family line is fairly healthy and no one has anything, except grandma, so I'm not really afraid of it, to me it's another disease

Midwifes have to do their job, they have to constantly check how dilated you are for the safety of the baby. If you're not dilating then they need to take action. You can't simply say no, you're not putting your fingers in me. It's not a sexual thing, its a safety thing, if you want your baby to come out safely then you need to do what they say. Also, after you have the baby, if you have been in labour for a long time they will put a finger up your bum to check for any tearing or prolapsing in your bum. It was a male doctor that had to do this with me, but these things need to be done whether you like it or not.

You're very lucky that you haven't had anyone go through cancer, and I think if you did then your opinion would totally change. You're still also very young, a lot of people develop cancer later on in life, so don't count your chickens before they've hatched. Cancer can happen to anyone whether they're healthy or not. Even the most healthy people can get cancer and there's nothing you can do about it. The reason women have smear tests and mammograms is because it's easy to test, and the most common of cancers. You say that you "think that's enough", but are you a trained professional? Unless you are that's not enough. Cancer doesn't just typically give a lump, and even if you do end up finding a lump by that point it could be too late to do anything about it. When you go for a smear test they check for cancerous cells, if you have those cells you can catch it early and prevent it from developing further. If you wait until you're very ill, then the chances are that you will die.

I would even urge my worst enemy to get a smear test, no one deserves to go through cancer. Would you rather go through months and months of poking and prodding, and being very very sick, and possibly facing death or have a five minute check? As far as I'm convened it's totally selfish for anyone not to get checked. Can you imagine telling your boyfriend, or your parents that you're dying because you thought going for a test would be a bit icky?

These people see vaginas every single day, it's really not a big deal. But cancer is.

Thanks Sunshine, I think cancer is everyone's biggest fear and I too have lost family members including my dad .
It's just so frightening.

Pleased to hear it went wildflower, I really hope your results will be fine as well. Fingers crossed for you and C&E too xx

Just thought I'd let you know that I received a letter today telling me my mammogram was clear and will be called for another routine scan in 3 years as per usual ![](upload://ez5kOkpKXRZOxjavAURYmQxVTau.gif)

Brilliant news.

Glad to hear that! :)

Thanks, I'm a total worrier too even when I've got no real reason :)