
I'm due to have a routine mammogram on Thursday and I'm a bit nervous about it, this is my first. Several friends have told me that theirs were quite painful and this has got me worried. Although I'm no stranger to pain ( three natural births with no drugs and a hysterectomy ) somehow the idea of having my boobs squashed hard really makes me cringe. I wondered if anyone else here has had any experience with this and hopefully ease my concerns a bit .
Also there was a lot of stuff in the papers at the start of the year about the risks of radiation and unecessary treatments outweighing the benefits of mammograms and although I know you can't believe everything you read this has added to my worries. Hope I'm not sounding like a right wuss here, maybe I'm just getting this out of proportion?

My boobs are a reasonable size so maybe it won't be so bad! Thanks C&E :)

I had to have a couple after finding a lump - it is uncomfortable but only for a very short while and in my experience the breast care nurses are lovely

Fortunately for me my lump was a cyst, drained by the Dr at the same appointment but Please ladies and gents check on a regular basis


Thanks GG, glad you were ok :)

I have had 3 and yes it is a bit uncomfortable at the time as the plates are flat and they have to pull and then squash your boobs to get the image.The nurse told me it was worse if you have very small boobs (mine aren't small!). Shouldn't worry about the radiation; it is for a very short time and hopefully only once every 3 years. I too remember an article about unnecessary treatments but I thought that was because of the number of false positives.

I regard them as a necessary evil, like smear tests and would prefer the reassurance they give. However, it is still important to check for lumps yourself as the test doesn't pick everything up.

Thanks capricorn, think I've just let my imagination run away with me and now feel a bit more reassured . I read about false positives too but as you say it's a necessary evil and if it was that awful I don't suppose anyone would have another one .I just need to get a grip!

Someone need to invent a better shaped machine. Curved boobs between flat plates isn't the best.

Hope all goes well wildflower x

You can bet your life the person who invented that machine is a man!
And if think I'd prefer the sniffer dog option ( as long as it was accurate ) Hope that doesn't make me sound weird!
Thanks everyone x

I had one a year ago ,it was a little uncomfortable but not painful (I have largish boobs) it wouldn't put me off having another one ,and everything was normal which was really good to know x

Thanks x

hell dont worry about the pain for mamogram just think what it be like if you had breast cancer and had to loose them a lot more pain then just grin and bear it

I've had one when I was 23. I have small boobs (B cup) and I would not say it was painful, just uncomfortable as others said before me. Don't worry!

Thanks Ruby x

Am I irresponsible to say I don't want one, or a smear test? I check for lumps that's about it. Men don't have to go to the doctors to have their testicles squashed to be checked, you don't have to be checked for skin, brain, lung, liver, throat, mouth cancers ect so why these? I'll know if something's wrong, just like if a mole went dodgy or I was coughing for no reason for three weeks. I just don't see why. If you choose to that's fine, I'm not saying you shouldn't but i don't want a doctor looking at me like I'm stupid when I refuse.

But good luck for yours wildflower x

Well , got back from the mammogram and it was just as you all said, a bit uncomfortable but not too bad.
I would just like to thank everyone who came in on this thread, your comments really helped to calm me down and get things in proportion .
Thanks x

So glad it went OK x

Fab news!

I haven't had or been offered one yet - so this thread has been very helpful - thanks for posting it and so glad to hear what you have said after wards

Hope all is ok with you x x

I just have to wait 2 weeks for results, hopefully all will be well, fingers crossed!

Glad to see it went OK, hopefully your results will be fine as well, fingers crossed!