Marmite, Pickled Herring and other stuff

Student20 wrote:

Noisy food is only annoying if someone is eating it with their mouth open.

My oh has an echoey mouth he eats with his mouth closed but it's soooo noisy!

SEXYGET 69 wrote:

I despise Salad Cream it's a disgrace. If Marmite is the Devils skidmarks in a jar Salad Cream has gotta be his Jizz in a bottle External Media

SG x

Its a bit like mayonnaise's evil twin brother...

Marmite ... one of life's aphrodisiacs! Love it!!!!!!!!

oh i adore marmite, garlic, chilli, cajun spice, cinnamon, cheese, onion, coffee, beer and other "smelly foods"

the only thing i cant really stand is coffee breath myself.

Oh no Salad Cream is the best!!!! Mayo is the evil one, cream too it just tastes of nothing and whipped cream - it's just fattening air!!

Mint sauce is just disgusting I can't be anywhere near my OH when he eats it. He adores it so much he would eat it off me if he had his way!


masterandslave wrote:

Oh no Salad Cream is the best!!!! Mayo is the evil one, cream too it just tastes of nothing and whipped cream - it's just fattening air!!

Mint sauce is just disgusting I can't be anywhere near my OH when he eats it. He adores it so much he would eat it off me if he had his way!


I agree about cream, its just leaves a 'claggy' feel in your throat and that aftertaste.

Mint is like orange to me, it tastes nice in some things but when you throw it with your dinner its just odd.

I hate marmite!

I'm a really fussy eater, but I do have a few things I love to eat that I know are really bad. I love the jelly stuff you get around the edge of tinned ham. I love eating the fat from the edge of a chop or from a hock. I know there's loads more but they're two of the worst.

This thread is making me bloody hungry!

Fat from the edge of a chop!

SG x

My parents always grimace at me when I eat it. I think my boyfriend finds it amusing in a gross kind of way. I don't care how bad it is for me, life is for living!

I can't stand the fat on my meat like that Ecks but my oh loves it - so he gets all mine too if i haven't got to the bin in time!


Some pork chops, I only eat the fat! I love pork but chops can be a bit dry.

Better not tell you about the joint we've got for tomorrow then!


Ecksvie wrote:

My parents always grimace at me when I eat it. I think my boyfriend finds it amusing in a gross kind of way. I don't care how bad it is for me, life is for living!

My brother used to eat the "whites" from bacon until he realised it was fat - bless him!

I'm very, very against eating fat - it makes me gag, I just hate the texture and if I put any fat into my mouth from steak or something then I can't eat the rest of the steak because I then gag with each subsequent mouthful.

I'm the same with tomato on pizza incidently!

I don't like odd textures - nothing to do with what it is or anything, it's just the texture!


Know what you mean! Although taste matters to me just love food too much. Mayonnaise ought to be used sparingly though, a case of 'less is more', marmite is an odd one, as the mood strikes me I'll eat it, but not often, I also get cravings frequently, I hate the taste of lentils, and the smell of beef, chcken and salt and vinegar crisps, not a crisp fan anyway, but it's the smell really. Easy to solve though, brush teeth or drink apple juice!

I simpy cannot do greasy food. Makes me sick and the smell.... ick...