
I think I have mastitis, even though my breastfeeding days are years behind me - it feels the same.
I can phone my GP is it hangs around and I think I am doing the right things (paracetamol, massage and a heated cushion) but the usual solution is a baby to latch on, and is unavailable!
Any thoughts / advice from the helpful folk on here?

I am no expert but if it persists i would insist on seeing a doctor, as our friend Jilly said, don’t let Covid stop you getting advice. Hope it gets better.


@WillC I can phone my surgery tomorrow but they are only doing phone consultations - if I need to be seen it is unlikely to be this week so I just thought I’d see if anyone else had experience of this, outside of breastfeeding, in the meantime.

I’m very ‘breast aware’ as relatives have had breast cancer and I have regular screening - this doesn’t feel ominous but it might need antibiotics if home-cures don’t work.

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When I was breastmilk feeding (I pumped breastmilk) and got mastitis my husband would suck out the blockages…any chance? I had mastitis a few times and it is horrid! Hope it passes soon x

There is no milk to block any ducts, so it is more likely to be an infection.

Nipple sucker?

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I haven’t got any, but I could put in an emergency order… thinking about it, this is something missing from our toybox which MrR would certainly enjoy…

On the other hand, no one is getting anywhere near the breast in question until I feel better…

I genuinely don’t know if that’ll help, but if sucking/clearing a duct blockage is needed I thought maybe a little nipple plunger could work?

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Good thought, thank you, but I think it is an inflammatory thing given I’m not breastfeeding, so the antibiotics might arrive sooner than the nipple suckers - but I still think they could be fun one day.

I just wondered if anyone on the forum had experienced this?

If it’s inflammatory ibuprofen may be of help.

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I have a friend who swears by shower combs (with the rounded teeth) for massaging the areola.

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Thank you - I don’t have one but will try to improvise.
That makes sense, given what I know and have googled :+1:

Three months ago, after not producing milk for over a year my boobs filled up and I had to hand express the milk out. So whilst you haven’t breastfed for a long time it doesn’t mean you won’t/can’t produce milk anymore. Mastitis is a blocked milk duct, so heat, vibrations and gently unblocking the duct is the only non-medication way to clear it.

Try ibuprofen as that helps with any swelling. What heat are you getting on the boob? Shower head at close range might help too? Or hot water bottle and electric toothbrush for more precision?

I really hope it shifts soon as mastitis isn’t fun!

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@Delightful87 thank you, but I haven’t breastfed for 11 years and I’m post menopausal, so I think this is an infection.
It started yesterday - I’m trying the usual things. Thanks for your advice - the showerhead is a good point. I’ve just been using a microwave heat pad, but the showerhead would help with massage too.

Shower heads are great for targeting the area and giving a slight massage too. Hope you get through to your GP tomorrow and get it sorted!

Sympathies. :two_hearts: It was a long time ago, and baby related for me, but I remember how unpleasant it was. If I recall correctly… Home remedy A: a rounded tip, wide toothed comb for massage, apply hair conditioner to skin, then comb from outer edge towards nipple, working around breast so all areas are massaged, massaging the red areas more than non-red, repeat several times. Repeat in hot shower, again using hair conditioner. Alternate hot and cold water afterwards. Home remedy B: :leafy_green:chilled cabbage leaf inside bra. Yes I was so desperate I tried this, as it started on a weekend but it has since been researched cabbage leaf research. Also this link might be helpful NHS Management :pill: Hope you feel better soon.

Thanks, everyone - I like the showerhead / wand suggestions too!
I saw our practice nurse today (unrelated) but I asked her about it while I was there.
She said I was doing all the right things but to phone to speak to a GP if I still have it in a couple of days. Feels a bit better today.