Masturbation causing UTI's?

So for the second time in the space of 3 or 4 weeks i have yet another Urinary tract infection. Both have come on the day after some penetrative toy play, despite showering and cleaning the toys before and after use. Toys are silicone or glass so shouldn't be porous, only used vaginally.

It made me nervous after the first infection that it was linked but now i'm so put off and worried this is going to be a recurring theme, which doesn't bode well now im finally in a healthy sexual yet sadly long distance relationship.

I would ask for a sample to be taken at docs to ensure correct antibiotics are being used to start Hun. Have you used toys regularly before this started ??

Are you using the same lube? At different points in your cycle the pH in the vagina changes and sometimes lubricant that is normally fine for you can cause irritation as the overall pH can then become too high. As you mentioned these were three or four weeks apart it could definitely be one potential cause.

The infection may also not have gone completely after the first course of antibiotics and it only become apparent after penetration. I’d ask the doctor for their opinion to see whether this could have been the case. In the meantime up your fluid intake and make sure you’re using the toilet after masturbation so everything is cleared out.

Feel better!

Drinking cranberry juice helps flush out today also be careful as antibiotics can give women thrush too

All the information given on here is the right things to do regarding this issue. I have the same problem at times and it is extremely irritating, and not just the UTI in itself!

So glad I'm not alone in this! I frequently suffer with UTI's even though I'm super hygienic with myself and toys.

Antibiotics are a right pain, especially when you have to take a second course of them. They also cause thrush in a lot of women, which is also so uncomfortable and sex has to be postponed due to that as well!!! 😣

I use cystitis cranberry sachets, which can be purchased in the supermarket cheaply. These clear out your urinary tract and also ease the 'peeing razorblades' discomfort!!, which is awfully painful.

I feel for you when I talk about this problem, another downside of being a woman! Thinking of asking my GP to put me on preventative treatment (low dose of antibots after sex) as I'm fed up with the recurrance and as mentioned before, postponing of sex. I totally agree with weeing after masturbation and sex as this cleanses the waterworks and also using friendly lubes (no perfume or parabens)!

Thanks for posting great advice everyone! 👠

I used to get the same thing, eventually my gynaecologist put me on a 3 month course of antibiotics and I get them still but only very rarely, sometimes some of the bacteria manages to survive and then it just keeps coming back, they should have sent your urine results off for testing at a lab. I would speak to your GP about preventitive treatments. I can tell signs of when I am about to get one now and i go to my doctors and they ask if I have any symptoms and I always say not yet but there is one coming (they look at me like I'm a lunatic) and low and behold they test my urine and I have an infection - it usually clears up before it even starts