Toys and UTI's?

Unfortunately im no stranger to UTI's, so much so i have a repeat prescription set up for antibiotics. Using toys is something new to me, having never masturbated before march of this year. Currently on a second course of antibiotics from the worst one i've ever had after a good half year without one, and wondering if toys could be the cause. Really aprehensive of using them again once i'm finally over this.

There is of course a chance that a UTI could be caused from a toy, but I wouldn't worry about it too much. I'd just recommend you have a thorough cleaning regimen both before and after toy usage, both of yourself and of the toy just to be ultra safe.

I'm with you on this! I've had the same problem as you which has eventually lead to something pretty extreme because I wasn't given proper treatment.

I've done a lot of research about this, and I don't think toys will be the problem. Sex can cause UTI's or make them worse because when a man is thrusting into a woman he can force air and bacteria up the urithra and cause an infection. I don't think this would happen with using sex toys, but as Sub says, just be careful and make sure you're very strict with your personal hygiene after use.

I really do feel for you, hope you get better soon xx

Hmm, what toy materials are you using?

I personally avoid anything porous (basically all the cheaper materials - jelly, pvc, rubber. etc) like the plague and only use completely body safe materials such as 100% silicone, glass and stainless steel. Porous materials harbour bacteria which can obviously cause infections (including UTIs and thrush) and cannot be 100% sterilised. You can however put a condom on the toy instead and change it with each use to help avoid problems.

Completely understand! Ironically I am reading this after just coming back from a hospital appointment due to repeat pain and UTI's (I have suffered since my teens. I am now being booked in to have my urethra stretched...for the second time in a decade)

Anyway, I am sure you know all the usual suspects for causing UTI and of course, it is possible for sex toys to transfer the bacteria into the urethra. Anything sliding in and out of you will have that poosibility. You can reduce the odds, just like with sex, by washing before and after, peeing after (This one saves me from a UTI quite often...when I did not pee after, I pretty much have a 50/50 chance :S) and playing with toys that can be sterilised and are non-porous etc. It's all about reducing the odds as much as possible.

Most commonly UTI are caused by e-coli bacteria that live up the back passage and are transferred to the vulva and then the urethra by anything that can transfer them..fingers, toys, penises...even underwear. I remember reading once (I did a LOT of reading when suffering badly) that the difference between a woman suffering recurring UTI's and those who rarely get them can be down to the a few mm difference in the distance between her back passage and urthral opening (In women where the distance is shorter, the chances are higher) This is also why men suffer a lot less. That's some distance to travel! Of course, despite most infections being caused this way, about 20% of them are not.

So the trick is to reduce the chances by being anal (pun) with your cleaning directly before and after and peeing after, to squish out any bacteria that has just made it's way inside. Wipe from front to back when you go to the toilet and all that other stuff you have probably been taught.

I am not 100% sure what the story is with regards to using lubes and if this helps facilitate the spread of bacteria etc, but for the past decade I have basically learned to get into positions where he is not rubbing past my anus while thrusting (Like spoons) and not telling him touch my vagina after bum play and so on. I am back in the hospital again for another miinor operation, so while I feel I have managed to help myself avoid some UTI's they are very difficult to completely control. Urghh!

Good luck anyway and by the way, toys will not be any more or any less likely to cause a UTI than normal sex would, but this only applies if you choose a non-porous toy. You will up your chances if you choose a porous toy IMO.

i get alot of UTI'S had a reacurring one for 9 months and never thought sex or sex toys could be to blame

Thankyou all for the responses, hope the op goes ok fluffbags x

perhaps stick to glass toys, as the are probably the easiest to clean, and do not attract dust/dirt as easily as rubber, or even silicone.

And with glass you can really got some boiling water involved for the cleaning process without risk of damaging the toy

I feel your pain suffering with repeat UTI's, unfortunately taking antibiotics too often will only result in you becoming immune to their effects. I found a product called D MANNOSE after lots of research. It's a powder originally given to treat dairy cows for UTI's as antibiotics can't be given as it gets into the good chain. It's completely natural, and I use the powdered form. E. coli bacteria love D MANNOSE, and cling to it as it passes through your system and you simply flush the infection away. One of my cats was extremely poorly with a UTI, to the point of being on a drip, completely off her food and sorry for herself - D MANNOSE sorted her out well before antibiotics took hold of it. I've seen results from my discomfort within a couple of hours. I know give myself a few days treatment every few weeks, and touch wood, I've had no infections in a very long time. Highly recommend it to anyone

Grrr, FOOD chain

FoxxyFB wrote:

I feel your pain suffering with repeat UTI's, unfortunately taking antibiotics too often will only result in you becoming immune to their effects. I found a product called D MANNOSE after lots of research. It's a powder originally given to treat dairy cows for UTI's as antibiotics can't be given as it gets into the good chain. It's completely natural, and I use the powdered form. E. coli bacteria love D MANNOSE, and cling to it as it passes through your system and you simply flush the infection away. One of my cats was extremely poorly with a UTI, to the point of being on a drip, completely off her food and sorry for herself - D MANNOSE sorted her out well before antibiotics took hold of it. I've seen results from my discomfort within a couple of hours. I know give myself a few days treatment every few weeks, and touch wood, I've had no infections in a very long time. Highly recommend it to anyone

I remember ordering some of this off the internet a long time ago. I also heard great things about it. Unfortunately I cannot comment so much on if it worked, because I only got a small amount and although I never got a UTI, I also never got one for a while after I stopped it either. I was concerned about it being another "internet hyped product" and never bought any more of it. Its great to here this and that it worked for you! Very tempted to try it again, but just wish there were more studies done on it. Maybe there is now? (I bought it about 8 years ago)

I think there's lots more info out there now than when I first used it too, but if got to the point where I would try anything to help. I use waterfall d mannose, I'm sure I read somewhere that this was one of the purer ones. I've since given it to friends (and their animals) and they've all ordered their own after. It's expensive initially as I was taking a teaspoonful four times a day so a tub didn't last too long, but I only use it twice a day as a maintenance course every few weeks now so for me it's worth the cost (it's about £20 a tub)


I have to agree that you should be careful in what toys you use. I would go for safe materials, such as silicone, glass, steel, ABS plastic, which will not be porous. Porousity could be potentially causing problems as the bacteria may stay inside it.

Apart from that, drink plenty of water, pee before and after you masturbate and be careful with washing. I also heard cranberries can help during UTIs.

I cannot advise much more, as I never had UTIs, on the other hand I am no stranger to vaginal infection, not just yeast, but had the "pleasure" of streptococsi as well.

Also I would recommend using friendly lube, as in my experience using incorrect lube can cause all sort of infections in the vulva. And it is anything but fun. By friendly lube I mean without glycerin and parabens.

So glad I'm not alone in this! I frequently suffer with UTI's even though I'm super hygienic with myself and toys. Antibiotics are a right pain, especially when you have to take a second course of them. They also cause thrush in a lot of women, which is also so uncomfortable and sex has to be postponed due to that as well!!! 😣 I use cystitis cranberry sachets, which can be purchased in the supermarket cheaply. These clear out your urinary tract and also ease the 'peeing razorblades' discomfort!!, which is awfully painful. I feel for you all when I talk about this problem, another downside of being a woman! Thinking of asking my GP to put me on preventative treatment (low dose of antibots after sex) as I'm fed up with the recurrance and as mentioned before, postponing of sex. I totally agree with weeing after masturbation and sex as this cleanses the waterworks and also the friendly lube thing! Thanks for posting great advice! 👠

I had a repeat bout of UTIs when i was experimenting with toys. Until i realised that silicone is vagina friendly and to steer clear of lubes that contain glycerine. 🐼