materbation at work.


thoughts and feelings to self pleasure at work? Sometimes I get so horny I can't fight the urge to pop into the toilet in my break time and bust out a knuckle shuffle!

I do masturbate in my work almost daily. I consider it part of my "start the working day in the right state of mind" rather than satisfying a sexual need.

I'm self employed, I have an office that I can lock for myself and a window with shutters.

I think it’s pretty common, we have discussed it here before, have a search for the thread if your interested.

If I recall from that thread though KingGrthy there were more people than not that didn’t do that as they felt it wasnt professional. It seems common amongst people that work from home/are self employed though.

Just leaving this here...

NatandTom wrote:

If I recall from that thread though KingGrthy there were more people than not that didn’t do that as they felt it wasnt professional. It seems common amongst people that work from home/are self employed though.

I think it's a matter of owning a private space at work, and fixing your own schedule. I couldn't do what I do if I was working in a shared space or with shared bathrooms, or in the middle of my working day. In fact, once every 15 days I have to work out of my place, in a shared office building, and I never masturbate there.

I have a few times. I found it highly erotic, but each to their own!

When working from home, obviously I can do it whenever I like.

I have done it a few times at work, but only if I really need an orgasm, as I'm normally quite noisy and keeping quiet is hard.

I don't think I could ever masturbate at work. I masturbate a lot nowadays, but I grew up with a lot of religious staff in my head so it's taken me ages to overcome all the tabboos, starting to masturbate and embracing the fact that I lbloody love that. But I still have to focus my brain to enjoy the moment and I couldn't actually relax enough at work to do that and enjoy. I reckon I'd have to be desperate, what it hasn't happened yet - lol!

All I can think about is this... (different video to the one above...)