Me my Girlfriend and Anal

So i need some help!

So i love giving anal myself and ive done it with my girlfreind twice but she is a little bit weary of it i am extremely adventurous and she is slowely easing in to it, weve used a cock ring and vibrators but id love for her to get more into anal but i really dont want to pressure her nor do i know what we should try first?

How can i get my girlfreind to ease into anal more easily? what do i start of with?



Maybe buy her some butt plugs that get bigger in size, should help her to slowly build up. :)

Oh and loads of water base anal lube.

Thank you Lollipop! I shall do that and update everyone :)

I'd say fingers first but its more about talking to her and going slowly ![](upload://lJMrTcqgi5lI1FOpb07OYOcv2YF.gif)

I think the 'barrier' comes when you differentiate between sexual acts. Anal can become part of sex, you don't have sex then anal is out there on it's own. If you say 'right we're going to do some anal' that will make her tense. I've always enjoyed anal as part of a whole package. So playing with all her bits and holes together, so maybe when you're using your fingers slide them down over her anus, the same with your tongue, make anal play a continuation. Allow the enjoyment that come from anal stimulation to enhance vaginal sex, so maybe go from touching the outside of her anus to putting a finger inside whilst you're having sex. Take it slow and build up gentle, we normally then finish with him moving his penis from my vagina to my anus by which point I'm ready and excited about what's coming next rather than feeling tense. If she's still not ready just rubbing your wet penis around her anus is very arousing. Remember though to never go back into the vagina if you've penetrated her anally

I found that giving my partner a really nice massage helped relax her first. We used babyoil and I would massage her whole body before I eased my hands down her to play with the area, that really helped her get into the mood for it. Most of all, just be gentle with her and take your time - she will find that bit more erotic.

An awesome update!

Thank you so much all of you for the help!

So i purchased the

Lovehoney Classic Silicone Beginner's Butt Plug

And i convinced my slightly weary girlfriend to try it, we went super slow fingers first with lots of lube and in the end she loved it! Even i felt the effects as it made her even tighter!

Thanks guys! Ill hopefully try some more things in the near future!

Totally recommend this TheOnlyMatt:

It's pretty slim so is great for a beginner, and it's a very smooth (I mean it's amazing) introduction to beaded-style toys- and great if you wanna attempt double penetration too!

SR36 wrote:

Totally recommend this TheOnlyMatt:

It's pretty slim so is great for a beginner, and it's a very smooth (I mean it's amazing) introduction to beaded-style toys- and great if you wanna attempt double penetration too!

Oooh, that looks really nice ! I think when I first tried anal, many years ago I was slightly intimidated by standard butt plugs (that's about all you could get then) but this looks inviting and feminine..........and it's pink ;)  Absolutey love anal now and we have some really 'pretty' anal toys - and some more 'masculine' looking ones. So much choice nowadays, anal toys have come along way :) 

This product completely changed how I feel about anal

It's comfortable, pretty and the free roaming weight inside feels awesome. I had just started to enjoy some anal, but this made me enjoy it on a whole other level.

These ones are very popular too and the same principle:


talk about it first , don't go charging like a bull in a china shop ( so to speak ) , once you're both comfortable about it , try a finger or two to see her reaction , then maybe move up to a starter butt plug , or maybe a set of variuos sized ones , and always always use lube ( water based obviously ),...but most of all enjoy it's AMAZING !!