Members we miss

Well that’s positive, can I ask if you did anything in particular or did it just happen? I hope it continues to improve for you. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: No need to rush into anything though, take your time and find out what works for you. I know how you feel, I’ve been there many times. I always want to do everything all at once and then wonder why I’m tired, it’s very frustrating. I’m with you on January not being the best month but I try to think that we are past the shortest day of the year so it gets better from here on, bring on spring!

Your not the first person to ask me that, but sadly i have no clue what it was. Ive been gradually getting better ever since i came down with it (its been 15yrs so it took a while to get to this point). I think ive just reached a tipping point in the recovery.

Thanks :smile: me too. Hope everything is going well with you too.

I think it frustration too. I have more energy and want to use it, but Living in the back of beyond and not being able to drive is very limiting. And im not there yet, energy wise, to Sign up for driving lessons.

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@Iwill Hi, you wouldn’t believe what has been going on in my life…long story short, just before Christmas, an elderly lady crashed her car into my house rendering it uninhabitable!
I’ve moved in with my partner and won’t be able to move back for probably 9 months. Only good side to it is we’re having even more sex than we had before :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@maz1965 …that is terrible news!!!
However every cloud has a silver lining…hey hey!!!
Glad you are ok…hope the old lady is as well.x

Awful news, glad you weren’t injured, you can replace bricks and mortar.

That’s awful @maz1965, I’m glad you’re ok :hugs:

Terrible @maz1965. Pleased you’re OK

@maz1965 … Maybe you wont move back in.? The company and all that sex may be hard to give up.? :thinking: X


@maz sorry to hear of your bad news however in the brightside your having fun hope it all works out for you

Hope you’re ok Sophie

I’m with @SexGod2314 AND REALLY MISS @Sophie01 I believe she must be in her last year at uni so is probably very busy but it was always lovely to hear and receive views of the younger generation. I hope her relationship is still on going but if not at her age and beauty she will not be single for long.

@steve19 @SexGod2314 I check up on the forum every so often but not as active as I wish I could be!

Final year of uni and looking for a job for next year is a pain but luckily i finish uni in just 2 1/2 months!! :tada: :tada:

Still with the BF and coming up to 2 years soon, god that’s gone by fast!!

Hope everyone on this forum is doing good! x


Nice to hear you’re still around @Sophie01. Good luck with finding a suitable job and never having to do another exam ever again. :smile_cat:

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I’m so glad you are still checking in @Sophie01 you bring so much to the forum. 2 1/2 months and you are finished at uni, that has passed so quickly. I went Christmas shopping in Nottingham before Christmas and students everywhere. I kept thinking I wonder if Sophie is around. Of course no idea is I have no idea what you look like. Its great you and BF are still together. Is it time to purchase a hat? lol. Good luck with the degree and even more on finding the right job you will be happy with. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :kiss: :kiss:


I wish it was like that I found a job but had to continue with exams for at least a further 10 years and then was tested every year after then. @Serpentwand

I went to Nottingham University and had a good time apart from the actual degree course of which I retain nothing - the nightmares about being made to go back and continue studying recurred for much longer. :scream:

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Best wishes @Sophie01 :slightly_smiling_face::hugs::hugs:

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I really hope @CurvyJilly is safe and well :slightly_smiling_face::hugs::hugs:


Yeah same @Knight1119 always was there for me and a very nice person. :crossed_fingers:She is happy and enjoying life :+1:


Yes the forum isn’t the same without her sensible caring advice and her sense of humour.