mental health rant!

i have been reading other posts and was taken back buy how supportive people are on the forum as with most things in life, i alway thought this was a tabu subject that people didnt want to know, which to me is the wrong way to look at this issue now as so many people suffer from this but still most people dont want to talk/help with this illness.. as a suffer myself i find in had to approch people to talk to about this as i always feel like they dont want to know or think am a complete nut case. i know there is profesional help out there but even then sometimes they dont want to know either as with some of things i have experienced i have been told what you got to be depressed about or why do this things to yourself or your young so you will be ok. these qoutes really bug me as with any illness age has nothing to do with it you can have whatever at any age but because you can not see mental illness people dont understand untill they go through or have been throught it before..... what i find diificult tho is trying to make people understand friend/ family is that i dont want sympathy over any of this just someone to listen to me about things here and there and a little understanding from others. thats not to much to ask is it?

at the end of the day i am still human and a person just because i have depression does not mean that is all i am!

what are peoples views or am i just moaning lol

ps sorry for the rant and hope i do not offend anyone reading this or breaking any rules putting this post up.

As a fellow forum user with mental illnesses and having spent time in mental health units, I don't think that's too much to ask at all. I'm here if you ever want a moan (you could put it in the rant thread/good morning thread next time as I think it would be best suited there) x

thank you. still fairly new to this so still trying to find best places to write stuff sure i will get there eventually. am always moaning or so am told so you probably be hearing from me alot lol thank tho and am here to listen to you too. x

While depression is one of the most common mental health issues experienced by people, it can still be very hard for those who don't suffer from say long-term clinical depression to understand it.

Theres nothing more frustrating than being told to cheer up or snap out of it by someone who has no idea of the depth of depression some people reach.

Do you know anyone who has been through a very similar experience at some point? You could have family members with a history of depression, people often don't open up about it til asked.

Its awful being told nothing is wrong when you know there is. Its good to be open about it and have a good rant sometimes!

i have asked alot of my family they dont really know but in the genartions they are from some of them dont want to open up andtalk. but from my aunts and father i got told nothing to be depressed about as well as other things which to put nicely where alot worse and not welcome but who know that could be the problem.

my mother-in-law has very bad depression on the scale of suiside attempts resently. which is hard for me in the fact i brough her back round and then questioned it know that she wanted that so i do go round in visious circles with that,as now am her full time carer from the damage. but i am very lucky in the fact i have alway had my mothers to talk to about it and my other half, which is alot more than others have so i do cout my blessings there.x

Hey buddy, firstly dont worry about venting here, only people who are interested will be likely to read or comment and as you said people here can be very supportive.

I too suffer with depression and have also been doctors but feel like the help i am getting isnt enough.
Apart from meds and someone to talk to the doctors cant do alot as they dont know you and probably have another 50 or so people in the same boat as you(this is how i feel after 5 months visiting the mental health team).

Many people will say its only you who can solve it and thats quite right. Meds only take the edge off but its up to you to change situations and find things that make you happy or feel more positive. Find support and people you can vent to and you'll be feeling better in no time :)

Im working on this myself lol.
Sorry for rattling on abit and for length of post but i hope it helps even a little bit.
Good luck and i wish you all the best

zombifiedguy wrote:

Hey buddy, firstly dont worry about venting here, only people who are interested will be likely to read or comment and as you said people here can be very supportive.

I too suffer with depression and have also been doctors but feel like the help i am getting isnt enough.
Apart from meds and someone to talk to the doctors cant do alot as they dont know you and probably have another 50 or so people in the same boat as you(this is how i feel after 5 months visiting the mental health team).

Many people will say its only you who can solve it and thats quite right. Meds only take the edge off but its up to you to change situations and find things that make you happy or feel more positive. Find support and people you can vent to and you'll be feeling better in no time :)

Im working on this myself lol.
Sorry for rattling on abit and for length of post but i hope it helps even a little bit.
Good luck and i wish you all the best

thank you bud i have and still am there with mental health teams hard to explain to them about feeling empty and alone but 100% agree meds dont do it for you and you have to keep fighting to keep imporing the best advise i ever got was you can take a step forward then take 4 back but you know now that you can take a step forward now you have done it once. always stuck with me and wil never forget my gandad for that.

same to you and take care

Sounds like great advice.

Where possible shed the weight of the past so it doesnt slow down your progress or pull you down.

Wish i could help more mate.
I know and understand what you are going through to a degree

zombifiedguy wrote:

Sounds like great advice.

Where possible shed the weight of the past so it doesnt slow down your progress or pull you down.

Wish i could help more mate.
I know and understand what you are going through to a degree

I have PTSD, depression and anxiety and really think that yours is the best advice I've ever heard.

Now, if only I could actually pull myself from the bad places of my past, I think I'd be back to my "normal" self.

What bothers me the most is being labelled by the medical professsion. I have quite a serious illness that could have been slowed down had my GPs acted on what I was telling them over the last 15 years instead of telling me that it was either all in my mind or that pain feels worse when you're depressed.

The labelling you get from others in your professional life - hopefully not many people come across it, but I have - is also so very wrong. I'm still the same person I was. If anything, stronger and far, far more empathetic and tolerant towards other sufferers.

It's very hard for someone in my family/friends circle to understand my mental health problems. I was guilty myself many years ago (in my youth, when I thought I knew it all, but was really completely inexperienced in most things), in wondering what certain people I knew had to "moan" about. Now I know much better that it's a case of walking a mile in another's shoes.

I hope that anyone reading this thread and suffering with mental illness finds the support they need to get better. If it helps, the best therapists I've had have been affiliated with the GUM clinics in my area. The mental health workers at my local mental health centre are a complete waste of space. Total lack of empathy at best, dangerous at worst.

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It's great that you all feel comfortable sharing rants and discussing your depression openly with others, it's something I envy, as I can't. I feel i'd be attention seeking if I did, that's why I've managed to bottle it up for years and years, as I'm too uncomfortable sharing.![](upload://rWunPW3zYHdA0ypr4dRQnAP8JTy.gif)

Hi there I too suffer with depression / anxiety / and have mental health problems I am very lucky as within my family I have a great support network , it wasn't always like that though at the start 17 years ago now I was told to cheer up - snap out of it , if only it were that easy , nothing more scary than not being in control of how your mind is working , people don't realise how delicate the mind is and how easy it is for anyone to slip down that slippery road into a dark depression.

Sending love and strength to all sufferers xx

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Purring-Pussy wrote:

It's great that you all feel comfortable sharing rants and discussing your depression openly with others, it's something I envy, as I can't. I feel i'd be attention seeking if I did, that's why I've managed to bottle it up for years and years, as I'm too uncomfortable sharing.![](upload://rWunPW3zYHdA0ypr4dRQnAP8JTy.gif)

I know what you mean, i bottled up all my feelings for years not wanting people to give me grief for having problems and partly hoping it would just go away but it doesnt. If you ever feel the need to vent then atleast here: 1. Its unlikely people here know you. 2. As you have seen and said people here will support you even if we dont know you as many of us are in/or have been in the same position. I think i speak for everyone when i say if you need to vent then no one here will mind and you may be suprised how much support you get from strangers :) To elle & em i am happy to hear you have such a supportive family. Good luck and best wishes staying in a happy place and away from the darkness :)

I understand your frustration. I was first diagnosed with depression at age 9. I've tried endlessly to open up to family members about the way I feel or what I go through and I feel as though none of them have ever made an effort to understand. I understand a lot of people have it rough but my depression has never just been because of a current situation it's this condition I've been living with trying my best to shoulder it with everything else I'm thrown in life. I know life can get better but depression isn't something that changes instantly due to circumstances.


I think it is easier to talk about mental issues online, rather than having to discuss it in person. I remember when I told a former friend that I have impostor syndrom and that I have tendency to self harm and that I sometimes just struggle to go on and she was like: its just in your head. If you want to get rid of it, just do it and stop talking about it. I had huge problems too and I just decided that I will be happy and you just shut up and do the same. I said former friend, and you can see why. So I am hiding it. I sometimes still feel inadequate, especially since I got a new job now and the impostor syndrom is hitting at me again. Especially since I am still learning things and I feel like I do not remember everything and I am worthless and useless. But I cannot bring myself to talk about it after the experience with the former friend.

On the other hand, letting go online is easier. First, you do not know people, so in case someone is really mean, its easier to shut the comments away, than if a friend does it. Secondly, you feel more secure opening up, since the people do not know your identity. And the fact that LH has very supportive community makes it even more easy.

I am bit sorry about the rant in the beginning.

the support here is great i must admit this is the firsttime i have ranted online. but am the same as others in the way i dont want to do it for attention in fact far from it am just letting a valve off or opening the bottle abit.

i really empatise with all the comments i am reading. i really understand the former friend, that the gp waited as long to pull there fingers out. and agree completly that you can not alway turn to friends and family plus that it is not always something due to circomstanes or age. i do find myself wondering if you can be born this way.

much love to you all look after your selfs and if you need to talk there always people here who reach out to you (even if you dont know them personal)

dont worry about ranting either think thats kinda what forums about..... but sorry for ranting :) x

oh and thank you all for commenting

When I was about 14 I was self harming and would cry and scream in a morning begging not to go to school my sisters called me a brat and an attention seeker, and my mum used to say "what have I done to you, why are you doing this to me" I just wanted to scream "it's not about you!" So I totally see where you're coming from.

the sad thing is, that's humanity, all so indulged in their own lives they don't see what others are going through, it all about how it's affecting them. Then when they find out (mine read my personal mail, that said "private, only to be opened by addressee") it's all about why haven't you told them and why won't you talk to them about it. I'm sorry, I thought crying everyday was clear enough, and if you'd stop gossiping about my private life to every tom dick and Harry I might share more with you.

just adding to the rant lol

Ive battled depression and post natal twice been medicated and not. Currently going throught hell after husband left and have SS involvement. To which they tried to tell me im not normal etc making me out to be a mental head case. I wasnt impressed with how it was handled and thus put in massive complaint. You get ones who ignore and others who make out your actions to be worse or twist them.
The support network isnt widely accessible i feel for those who need just boosts now and again and choose to try and lead a nornal life without medicating etc. Im currently chasing one to one support now.

Getting any professional support without paying a fortune privately is a nightmare. Just glad we have the internet and charities like mind for support.