Metal Cock rings, want to wear , any advice?

I am looking at getting a metal one, to wear over the balls on the willy.

Firstly I want one I don't have to keep taking off, if I can leave it on more or less permanently so much the better.

Is this practical and will it cause any problems?

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If i understand you correctly you are wanting to wear the cock ring on the permanent basis. It is adviced that you should only wear the cock ring for around 30 minutes or so but might be if you want than might extend it to around 45-60 minutes but having it longer than that might be a bit dangerous. Its like you cutting the blood flow to a part of your body and if you try dong that to your arm or leg than sooner or later you might have devastating effects. It would be the same for your penis as well so personally i would advice against it.

I think if you are going to do this, you need to really research into the ring you buy - you want one that is made from 100% bodysafe metal, not with any funny finishes or coatings - you need to be sure that what you are wearing isn't going to poison you in anyway. Also pay mind to how the ring is made into a ring - since an untidy join could also cause pain.

In terms of practicality, it can most likely be done - I've worn a body safe plastic cock cage for a number of days, and the base of that is basically a ring as you describe it. There are people I know of who have done the same for years - just maintain hygiene and cleanliness and all should be well. It is occasionally uncomfortable, but then you can always take it off for 10 minutes each night to clean.

I really like the 1.75" tribal style one but I think it would be too small, I think 2" would be the minimum I could wear without digging in.

But how tight can they be without cutting off any circulation or making it difficult to pee?

Apart from discontinued ones (would have bought 2" tribal like a shot), may just get one from Ebay.

Will definately get stainless steel.


Mine are 316L stainless steel, Getting the right size is the key, I have 3 one way too big and useless, one just the right size that I can wear for days and one slightly too small but feels great on with great results, but cannot wear all the time, they are 40/45/55 mm diameter inside your body will tell you if it right/wrong.

Thanks that is what I was hoping for.

Got a 55mm one to work out if I will be OK and if it gets too loose I like the idea of the 1.75" ones