Misc relationship issues topic

Thought I’d start a topic for miscellaneous relationship issues. My idea is for anyone and everyone to raise whatever they like, when they need to get something off their chest when the need arises.

I’ll go first. So, I’ve been married to my wife for over 10 years, together for over 15 years. We do have separate interests in some areas but are on the same wavelength in so many ways - similar politics, ideals, taste in TV/music plus we still fancy each other to bits and have a lot of sexual chemistry.

The issue I have is sometimes when she gets annoyed with me she shuts down and doesn’t respond - in other words the silent treatment. I appreciate I’m not perfect but feel it’s an overreaction on her part and I get v upset and down when she does that. The last time this happened it lasted for 3 days and I felt really low at times. Trying to have discussion with her during one of these phases seems to make things worse.

I’ve told her my feelings when she’s out of this phase and she said that she doesn’t mean to hurt me, that she reacts this way to control her emotions and stop herself getting angrier and saying something she’d regret. When she emerges from one of these phases she’s as lovely as ever and it’s as if nothing has happened, and our relationship otherwise feels strong.

Anyone have an experience of this in their relationship, in either role?

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Yes for some people they cope better by taking themselves away from the situation and closing off to process it all in their mind which in some circumstances is a good way as at least they aren’t firing back at the other with nasty arguing and escalating it all. Kinda shows how much she really must care for you :slightly_smiling_face:

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Never go to bed on an argument, life is too short has always been my aim…not always successful.

Thanks for all your kind replies on this. I do believe her when she says she doesn’t want to hurt me when doing this but it still makes me upset and makes me feel v isolated at times. It doesn’t appear to happen as frequently as before but I will still have another conversation with her telling her how it makes me feel.