Moving after 16 years.

This weekend is our big move. Were taking a summer let in a absolute stunning Setting on the bank of the river dart. Pub only 3 mins walk.

Were been in our current house for 16 years, but my aging mother in law ( MIL ) needs caring for . she's had some falls and is almost house bound. Many of you may remember last year I had a full knee replacement. Whilst recouping I pushed planning permission through for us to build a 2 storey disability enabling granny annex on her own house. Unfortunately the selling of our house ant the building of the extension could not coincide. So of to the little cottage by the river for 6 months we go.

Its not until you do an exercise like this you realise how much of sexy play hoard you have acquired over the years. Its all only just gone in a rugby kit bag. We have friends and family come out of the wood work to help us. Nice furniture and glass ornament's. Even a very large cut glass crystal dinning set of glasses matching crockery and silver cutlery, but all the OH keeps asking is where are the sex toys don't let any one touch that bag or see them.

My nuaghty mind was just thinking how funny it would beif the bag popped open on the new drive and assorted lubes , vibraters , dildos, wands , cock rings , speculums, sounding kit and lubes rolled down the drive in front of friends and family.

Many of my friends know I'm kinky and are very highly driven by sex. As most have come to me for advice. However other members of the moving committee would be mortified.

Just thinking for a bit of fun .what exude would you give to try and help ease the embarrassment.

Mine would be we are looking after them for someone helping us today. Thenn stay quiet about a name.

I can see the comedy temptation but you OH might kill you and end up under the patio. If your going to do it make sure it's only your toys that are seen. You could always transfer some items into a clear plastic bag, seen but still clean.

If you were my partner I would kill you for embarrassing me in front of some of the prudish family and friends.

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚resist the temptation as it'll most likely be written all over your OH's face because you'll be prepared and they will not. And geez if it was my OH there'd be big trouble!

Our friends often come to us for advice, know how kinky we are as does family but i wouldn't in any which way want them to see our collection.

Good luck, I'm looking forwards to seeing how this one pans outπŸ˜πŸ’—xx

Yep - I think if you were feeling cheeky, perhaps a large clear storage box would be the way to go!!

Good luck with the move and hope all goes well for all of you xxx

Take care xx

This is such an amusing scenario.I myself am to be moving house any time now once the local council get their act together to organise suitable one level housing for me.I too have worried just a tad as to how to ensure keepin11g my sex toys away from the prying eyes of three daughters and their partners as well as friends who have offered to help me with the move.πŸ€”They see me as the prim and proper mother and recently bereaved widow.Ironically I was offered housing last Fri which is needing major working on first but after waiting over 4 years this has coincided with my knee replacement surgery next Thurs.Gentle Giant you will appreciated after your own surgery that there is no way I can do both at the same time so have had to decline this offer.
I will be watching this space to see if you are able to resist putting the cat amongst the pigeons.I hope for your wife's sake all goes smoothly,or maybe it should be for your sake.😁

Well - you have to tell - did your wicked side get the better of you?

Hope the move went well and you are all settled in xxx

Good luck πŸ˜‰ On the move hope its relatively simple and stress free I know it can be a pain have fun on your first night aswell πŸ‘πŸ»

OMG please do not mortify the poor woman... when we moved i was so paranoid a well meaning friend or family member would open things so I hid them with other things for my master closet and told my helpers not to worry about the closet.

lovingnewtoys wrote:

Well - you have to tell - did your wicked side get the better of you?

Hope the move went well and you are all settled in xxx

Well - did you???? Xxxx

He wants to keep you in suspenders LNT 😁

Well we are finally moved to our lovely new little cottage by the River but BT have been awful. So 5 days to get phone line working and another 10 to get broad band in. So was wondering if LH could come up with a new mix of butt plug and BDSM. A Butt plug in the shape of a rocket so I could shove it where the sun don't shine.

Ok ok enough ranting .

I did do something naughty on moving day. However in the good old theatrical pantomime rhetoric. Do you really want to know , I can't hear you?

GG needs lots of desire and wishing to know what naughty embarrassing thing I did.

As it's in my nature to be a big tease.

We moved recently too. We had boxes and boxes of toys. We had to be imaginative with the labels so the removal men didn't suspect anything!

What is the story then?

Yeah come on GG, let us know.

Pray, do tell 😊 We are all sitting comfortably 😊

I have not only lost sleep over this but I am now hallucinating dropped sex toys wherever I look - makes for a lot of quick thinking when trying to step over a 10 inch dildo that isn't actually there!!!

GG - you have to tell before I am carried away by the men in white coats ![](upload://5BDs2y1gm13l2R58ovmAMxyNM3f.gif)


may you be happy in your new home

I accidentally forgot the under mattress restraints . So when two of my mates lifted the queen size mattress off our divan bed there it was . Wrist and Ankle cuffs still attached. My bests mate raised an eye brow and said "guess you take a lot stopping even when told NO.😜

Sneaky - very sneaky.

Smacked bottom for you!!!


lovingnewtoys wrote:

Sneaky - very sneaky.

Smacked bottom for you!!!


Yes please

Lil_Red_Kinkyboots wrote:

He wants to keep you in suspenders LNT 😁

LRK you know me to well.