National days

I second that Bondagegod. Happy mothers day to all the wonderful mums and mums to be. Especially those that are single parents be it male or female.. no tougher job.

National Napping Day.

I'll inform my manager!

Thats a national day i can get on board with!

Just had a lovely nap in the bath xx

Sadly not a day I could be part of.

Hope all who had a nap enjoyed their’s.

Today is National Jewel Day.

Today is one of the best days as it’s

Steak and Blow Job Day.

A day I think should be respected!

National learn about butterflies day.

Dangerous creatures... Just one beat of their wings can trigger catastrophic events on the other side of the planet!

Nice national day, sadly as it raining cats and dogs not butterfly weather today's!

Raining here too 😕

National Panda Day. 🐼

St Patrick’s Day. ☘️

Top of the morning to you all!

Happy St Patrick's day everyone

personally it would also be shoot the mother in law day if I had my way.

*walks off to the rant thread*

World down syndrome day. Youtube 50 mums 50 kids 1 extra chromosome, such a beautiful clip.


People with Downes Syndrome are truly very special people , usually with so much love to give.

Their special day is so important xx

Today is National Unicorn Day ....