Nipple piercing talk..

So after about 12 months of debating wether or not to get my nipple(s) pierced I think I'm finally going to take the plunge next weekend.

Can you guys give me some help?

1. Does it hurt incredibly or is it bearable?
2. Whats your thoughts on nipple piercing?
3. Does it look sexy?
4. How long does it take to heal?

Also any other useful info!

Thanks in advance

FeelingReady wrote:

So after about 12 months of debating wether or not to get my nipple(s) pierced I think I'm finally going to take the plunge next weekend.

Can you guys give me some help?

1. Does it hurt incredibly or is it bearable?
2. Whats your thoughts on nipple piercing?
3. Does it look sexy?
4. How long does it take to heal?

Also any other useful info!

Thanks in advance

Ok so this topic comes up a lot and I'm sure if you search you will find several threads on the topic.

But here goes. . . . (again.)

I have my left nipple pierced, got it done many years ago now. I travelled an hour by train to a place in Sheffield, called Though Art. It's very professional, and has a very good reputation. My care was excellent. I was asked to think about my decision and come back after an hour if I still wanted it done. On my return I was asked if I wanted a female pierced, I said I wasn't bothered, so got a man.

He marked either side of my nipple where he intended to pierce it, then asked me to check if I was happy with the orientation. I was so he applied a clamp to my nipple, this pinches a bit. He then pierced the nipple, pushed a tube through, then the titanium bar. He removed the tube and it was done.

1. Pain is individual, but for me almost no pain at all.

2. It's a personal choice, if your going to do it do it for you not someone else.

3. Again subjective, but I'm happy with mine.

4. Varies person to person, but longer than you think. Mine was about 3 months.

So a few tips,

A. Do some research, choose a reputable studio.

B. Don't drink before you go.

C. Ask for surgical titanium, it's the best for new piercings, and any good studio will use it.

D. Do t play with it once pierced, clean it twice a day and turn it, but don't touch it unnecesseraly untill fully heeled.

I hope this helps.

Thank you. I didn't think of searching the forum first sorry!

I'm booked in to have a VCH in 2 weeks 🙈

Scared and and a little excited. The nipples feel really meaty to have pierced lol. Good luck.

Whos more brave me or you !? lol


Definitely you!!

Good luck also...

I think I'm just going to go for it when my boyfriend is away next weekend.. Suprise him!

Hope it's not to painful for either of us 🙈


I have VCH and both nipples pierced.

I had the VCH done first. Not too painful. Plus I wanted to surprise my hubby so the excitement took over. It healed really quickly, within a month. I just used to bathe it in a shot glass with a saltwater solution.

Had both nipples done at the same time. I had them done in October 15 and if I catch them on clothing they still at times bleed a bit. I have read on the internet that they can take up to a year to fully heal. I used to bathe them also in saltwater. (2 shot glasses work wonders)

The best thing is that both VCH and nipples look great!! I've not regretted either!

Hope this helps 😀

FeelingReady wrote:

1. Does it hurt incredibly or is it bearable?
2. Whats your thoughts on nipple piercing?
3. Does it look sexy?
4. How long does it take to heal?

Also any other useful info!

Thanks in advance

All of hese are subjective, so I will give only my own experiences and opinions:

1. I had mine done less than a week ago, incidentally, so it's fairly fresh in my mind. Yes, it hurts, but it's more than bearable and if you want it as badly as I did, a very small price to pay

2. Love 'em. Especially when only one is done in a horizontal bar style

3. God Yes

4. I was told anything from six weeks to several months, all you can do is keep it clean, make sure it was done in a sterile place and hope for the best

Here are some general threads you might like to check out. If you have any other questions, as someone with nipple piercings and an ex body piercer, I might be able to offer extra advice :) 

Nipple Piercings

Piercing Advice

To answer your points:

1. Does it hurt incredibly or is it bearable? Bearable. Of course it does bloody hurt (you're putting a needle through your nipple!) but it is bearable. I had both of mind pierced in one sitting. Do NOT let them using numbing though. It will make the piercing slower and the healing take forever! There is also a risk of frost bite, damaging nerves or even LOSING your nipple if they freeze it so don't be tempted!

2. Whats your thoughts on nipple piercing? I used to have both of mine done and loved them. Took one out this year due to it never healing properly. 

3. Does it look sexy? In my opinion yes, but of course that it entirely subjective. What is sexy to one person may be offputting to another. 

4. How long does it take to heal? FOREVER. You can ask your piercer to change the jewellery after 6-8 weeks, but 10 years on and my retired one still hadn't healed, and the remaining one still needs regular cleaning. Mine were always aggrevated by bras and nipple play, which was highly frustrating. 

Key pointers to make sure you have the easiest piercing with minimal healing time:

- go to a reputable body piercer who uses needles/blades (cannot stress this enough) and not a gun. (Believe it or not... some people WILL try this!!)

- do not have the piercing numbed. This extends healing dramatically and it really isn't good for any part of your body to be 'frozen' in this way.

- the initial bar should be at least 14mm in length (depending on nipple size) to allow for swelling.

- opt for a bar / barbell when you get pierced, not a ring/BCR. A ring will extend your healing period A LOT! Once it's healed, change it to anything you like!

- only titanium, PTFE/Bioplast or Blackline jewellery should be used in an initial piercing. Don't be fobbed off with stainless steel, gold, silver or anything else.

- clean regularly with saline / weak salt water (but don't overclean. 3 / 4 times a day is good)

- wait about 2 - 3 months before you even think about changing the jewellery, and even then, "play it by ear".

- when they've healed, only use water-based lubes for stretching and play. Oils and other creams could aggrevate the piercing.

- if you should end up with any complications (infection, soreness etc) don't be tempted to remove the piercing. Clean it with salt water and take Ibrobrufen. If it persists, visit your GP for antibiotics. Removing the piercing will only trap the infection making it more difficult to get rid of. Leaving the jewellery in gives your body a place for the infection to escape through.

Can anyone answer, what happens with future mammograms?

Will the piercings need to be removed ?

VCH? What`s that?

WillC wrote:

VCH? What`s that?

VCH - Vertical Clitoral Hood piercing :)

SquirtyPanda wrote:

Can anyone answer, what happens with future mammograms?

Will the piercings need to be removed ?

I'm actually unsure of that... Do you need to remove other jewellery before a mammogram? If so, you may need to. Otherwise, change them to plastic jewellery before you go. 

I googled it... Apparently you don't have to because it doesn't obscure the breast from the scans... Anything like zips etc would, however.

But would need to remove them for X-rays....

Again this is only what I've read so no one take this as gospel please....

FeelingReady wrote:

So after about 12 months of debating wether or not to get my nipple(s) pierced I think I'm finally going to take the plunge next weekend.

Can you guys give me some help?

1. Does it hurt incredibly or is it bearable?
2. Whats your thoughts on nipple piercing?
3. Does it look sexy?
4. How long does it take to heal?

Also any other useful info!

Thanks in advance

I got mine done [when I was younger] but had to take them out after OH accidentally pulled them... Gutted!

Anyway, it's definately bearable! I wouldn't even say it hurts, so don't worry!

My oppinion is that they make you feel awesome! and really help with nipple stimulation, and theyre super sexy!

they also take a month or so to heal so that you can change them, BUT, i always suggest waiting at least a year to presume thewyre completely healed, just to make sure. I worked in a tattooists/piercers, and anyone who came to get them done were pleasantly suprised at how little it hurts, and they loved them!

Hope this helped!!

1 Like

SquirtyPanda wrote:

I googled it... Apparently you don't have to because it doesn't obscure the breast from the scans... Anything like zips etc would, however.

But would need to remove them for X-rays....

Again this is only what I've read so no one take this as gospel please....

You don't have to take them out, but I would. When you have a mammogram they do squash your boobs far mor than you might think. So for comfort I would remove mine, only for the scan, I would put it back in streight after.

My wife has hers done, yes they did hurt, titanium bars are the best or bioplast one took forever to heal with bioplast until we changed to titanium does not effect breasts feeding either if you wondered.
Vch is really quite painless and heals really fast, you can do the q tip test to see how fine the skin is, if I had a recommendation I would say have your inner labia done like my wife they heal really fast and are relatively painless. The outers take much longer to heal but are really robust once healed

HappyHippy wrote:

FeelingReady wrote:

So after about 12 months of debating wether or not to get my nipple(s) pierced I think I'm finally going to take the plunge next weekend.

Can you guys give me some help?

1. Does it hurt incredibly or is it bearable?
2. Whats your thoughts on nipple piercing?
3. Does it look sexy?
4. How long does it take to heal?

Also any other useful info!

Thanks in advance

I got mine done [when I was younger] but had to take them out after OH accidentally pulled them... Gutted!

Anyway, it's definately bearable! I wouldn't even say it hurts, so don't worry!

My oppinion is that they make you feel awesome! and really help with nipple stimulation, and theyre super sexy!

they also take a month or so to heal so that you can change them, BUT, i always suggest waiting at least a year to presume thewyre completely healed, just to make sure. I worked in a tattooists/piercers, and anyone who came to get them done were pleasantly suprised at how little it hurts, and they loved them!

Hope this helped!!

*Edited this comment as a reputable piercer should wait until you're 18 to pierce intimate areas. 

Also, a minimum of 6 weeks healing is required before you change the bars, but as HH has said, it can take anything up to a year (or in my case, 10 years!) for them to fully heal. 

I got one done at 19 (big mistake) and it started to grow out. I went to a more reputable piercing studio to enquire about it as lo and behold the one I went to originally closed. The BCR was too small for my nipple so they kindly changed it for a longer bar and I thought "hey lets get the other one done whilst I am here". The first one had to be taken out after 3 years as it was getting too close to the skin but the other was perfect until I fell pregnant. It became extremely painful so I gave in and removed it too. I loved them as did my husband. Unfortunately I have lost some sensation in the botched one so always go to a professional, research them before you make a decision.

Thank you. I am excited yet very nervous of course. I am booked in next Friday.

Ive clocked up several hours researching about it. I know what there is to know. I am going to a studio in Worthing to see a guy called Quentin Inglis, who is one of the best body modifiers in the business, he's appeared on tv and magazines, Cosmo, ninemag and bme. I may chicken out or I may do it. Don't know yet lol.

Dont say you're too old! That's non sense! What age is right for a genital piercing? There isn't! Only over 18 obviously! I don't know anyone that's had it done and that doesn't deter me. I've researched where the best recommend studios are via a body piercing forum. Maybe look into it and ask a few questions. That's what I did. You don't have to know people with genital piercings to get one :)

its a a shame your oh isn't into piercings and this stops you from getting one. I live life to please myself. But of course I totally understand your situation.

The qtip test is merely a guide. This test showed me I have quite a small hood, but I could get the tip beneath it. Your piercer would give you the right length bar also, that'll best suit your anatomy. The bar I'm going for I believe is a 14 gauge, multicolored blues and pinks. It looks gorgeous.

If you do the qtip test , do de fluff it a little. The point is length under your hood, not girth. And lube to help it slide under there.

The forums are worth the effort and as we know no one with these piercings, they're the next best thing.

Ive my belly button done for about 10 years now, I love it! Definitely recommend it, it's really pretty. Mine wasn't a struggle to heal however, a few days I was a little sore but that's about it. Also remember the healing process marries with how well the piercer does the piercing. A poorly placed piercing will result in a terrible healing time, as posted above about the nipple piercing. So this is why you research and go to a reputable piercer.

As the vagina is self cleaning it is from what I've learned, the quickest to heal. Also urinating, urine is sterile (only after its left our body and not left stagnant) so this also helps with the healing process.


I chickened out, not afraid of admitting it ether! It is a piercing in your vagina let's face it lol.

1. Because my clit hood really is quite small, it's not got any in depth length to it, it's like 2-3cm long. Not exactly got a ruler and measured it but just a guesstimate.

2. Funds, £60+ for the piercing! Then a 140 mile drive ![](upload://rWunPW3zYHdA0ypr4dRQnAP8JTy.gif)

3. No regrets, and I bought LHs clit clamp instead ![](upload://5BDs2y1gm13l2R58ovmAMxyNM3f.gif)