NIPPLES! - New rule

The forum goes with LH not the other way round, if this was a separate forum then things would be different. I have joined many sex forums yes you can post whatever but it’s then classed as a adult porn forum. Even though the restrictions are tight this is my go to forum and the one I have been a member for the longest,I actually haven’t visted the other sex forums for years.

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It is for me. Love a naked mans chest…nipples are very sexy and arousing just want to nibble and tweak them.

So no nipples is no nipples.
Same rules for us all.


It should be the same standard for all sexes really, it’s unfair that 1 is deemed socially acceptable and the other not. The highschool i went to originally banned boys from wearing earrings but said girls could wear studs. As you can imagine this went down like a lead balloon so they ended up banning all earrings. While it would likely be fairest to just allow everyone to wear earrings if they wanted (or in this case show nipples) the fact remains that society (and the Internet) is much more accepting of one, making it much easier to just ban both until both are accepted


The decision has been made, whether everyone agrees or not, so let’s not make a mountain out of a mole hill.


Still a fair few nipples on avatars, just saying​:man_shrugging:t2:

There shouldn’t be so if you see any you should probably flag them so they can be removed.

Avatar pictures can’t be flagged as such, but if you flag one of Brenna’s posts in this topic as ‘something else’ you can add a note and tell her that way. :+1:

Edit: Actually, you can always flag a post with a nipple avatar and write a note in ‘something else’ that way. Even if you include a list of other nipple offenders I’m sure Brenna will figure it out.

I am finding the scribbles and emojis to hide male nips quite erotic. Or is lockdown getting to me!? :joy:


This one comment sums up everyone’s lockdown haha


Haha :wink: I just find it quite annoying to be honest.

I wonder why the whole nipples thing had to change.
Whether people were complaining or something.

It’s to make it an equal rule across the board. No nipples, regardless of gender. :+1:

@Ian_Chimp so it should be the same rules for all.
But it’s a shame that it wasn’t ruled ‘Nipples all round’.

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If you have a read back through the topic there’s some good links as to why that wasn’t an option.

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And if anyone still has uncensored nipples visible in their profile picture you can always swop it out yourself before Brenna removes it. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

@Ian_Chimp thanks, I’ll seek them out.

I did read some stuff but it was more conflict, I haven’t seen reasons why that decision was made.

It has got a little convoluted. :slightly_smiling_face:

For the ‘no nipples, regardless of gender’:

For why no breast nipples:

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Still think it’s pathetic myself, but don’t delete my photo and leave people with nipples on show.

Double-standards can feel very unfair, so applying the rules consistently is important. But it’s a new rule and will take a short while to bed in properly. If you flag any avatars with nipples in I’m sure Brenna will deal with them when she’s next in.

And here’s the Profile Photo info and the full Photo Rules if anyone needs them.

I love the double standards in the ‘Bachelor(ette)’ where they pressurise the men into taking their tops off, but cover the ladies bottoms if they are wearing a thong.
This is a topic I am planning to write about on my blog. The rise of Monotheistic religions had to remove all connections to previous Female-led Pagan religions, so anything feminine was banned.
This included nudity (Pagans work naked);
transvestitism (certain religious festivals involved cross-dressing);
anything to do with female breasts (most polytheistic religions had bare chests);
prostitution (sacred prostitution was revered and respectable); and
any females in the position of power (mother goddess).

Just look at any Classical artwork and notice all the gods and goddesses are naked.

I prefer it this way no nipples for women and now men wear weren’t all equal but now we are.