No Clothes Day

Even though we’re long since retired we are still full time carers for our grandsons so we don’t have as much alone together time as we might. We normally get 2 or sometimes 3 days a week by ourselves so we occasionally treat ourselves to a ‘no clothes’ day.

Strictly speaking it’s not quite ‘no clothes’ as my good lady is wary of cold bits and cystitis so she wears knickers but wears a chain G string underneath and I wear a Chastity Cage and a butt plug but they don’t really count as clothes.

I now a number of you try to get naked as often as possible but for us it’s a special day and we find it amazingly intimate and enjoyable.


I am always naked as much as I can. Unfortunately with two young boys it’s not as often as I would like but I love to just wander around the house in the nud.

Although, its not a sexual thing for me, although husband does enjoy it :wink: I just love to be naked!

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Ooh, that’s a lovely idea!

We love being naked too. Same problem though we have a child at home. Although whenever possible we are naked. Love watching the wife walk from behind, it’s an arse to die for.

Ya I fall into the naked as often as I can category, when i’m at the boyfriends house sadly can’t always be so he has kids half the time.

I try and have a naked day once a week or whenever I dont have a work conference call. Most weekends we will have a naked day around the house :blush:

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I’d love to try this, but I think our teenagers would get quite upset!

Would also have to be in the middle of summer and a decent temperature, Mrs Sen is very much “anti cold”, so mu so that even with the a/c on in our bedroom, she still complains of the cold and covers herself up most of the time during sex (or has the covers up cocooning herself)

Our kids are grown up and moved out now so we’re lucky that we can be naked indoors as often as we like. Our garden is semi private too so it’s also possible to spend time outside with nothing on without offending the neighbours.
We both love the feeling of freedom it gives us.