no erection in 2 weeks

a personal problem but not much is personal here

ive not had an erection in 2 weeks (usshaly used to most mornings) pretty worried tbh

anyone know why this may be and any advice on how do get one belive me ive try'd all i can think of :(




I'd say this definately classes as a medical problem so I'd recommend going to see your GP. Some things to consider before you go, coz they're likely to ask:

- have you started taking any medication in the last two weeks?

- have you been under any additional stress in the last two weeks?

- have you had any accidents (bangs to the head wtc.) in the last two weeks?

I think the GP will probably run some tests for diabetes and hormonal problems and they'll probably take your blood pressure as all these are known to cause erectile dysfunction.

Don't worry too much, stress is a major cause so by getting anxious about it you could end up prolonging the problem. I know it's a difficult thing to speak about in person but doctors are all very professional and should be sympathetic (if they're not, see another doctor because they SHOULD be willing to listen and help).

Happy Christmas!


KP's hot the nail on the head here really. your doctor will know best what;s going on, but try not to worry

iv got to agree with all the above,better to be safe

KittyPurry wrote:


I'd say this definately classes as a medical problem so I'd recommend going to see your GP. Some things to consider before you go, coz they're likely to ask:

- have you started taking any medication in the last two weeks?

- have you been under any additional stress in the last two weeks?

- have you had any accidents (bangs to the head wtc.) in the last two weeks?

I think the GP will probably run some tests for diabetes and hormonal problems and they'll probably take your blood pressure as all these are known to cause erectile dysfunction.

Don't worry too much, stress is a major cause so by getting anxious about it you could end up prolonging the problem. I know it's a difficult thing to speak about in person but doctors are all very professional and should be sympathetic (if they're not, see another doctor because they SHOULD be willing to listen and help).

Happy Christmas!


If I could quote this post a million times (without getting a spanking!) I would! Spot on lovely KP!!

Tip in the meantime - apparently soft blow jobs are amazing, so make the most of them if you can whilst you're waiting for your doctors appointment!


KP has hit the spot. Do you know if you still have erections whilst you are asleep? That may sound stupid but your partner may have noticed? If you are still having erections whilst sleeping, I think 8 a night is about the average, then it would suggest the problem is psychological rather than physical. I would see your GP but try not to stress about it as thar could be part of the problem! Hope all is back to normal soon xxx

If my guy hasn't been up for it before bed cos he's too tired or not in the mood and I've been so horny I can't sleep, i'd wait until he was aroused or shuffle into him so either I was wet & rubbing against him or he had his hands down there, then every now again shifted ever so slightly... Et voilĂ , night time nookie. He's woken up in a morning before and said did we have sex last night? I think it was just an automatic instinct took over. I know, I'm a very bad girl x

Avrielle_Aniko wrote:

WHY did I not know this!! I'll be keeping a close eye on my OH! If I catch him in sleep and he waked up horny, I could be in for a chance!! heh!

Just jump on when you see something happening. Be his succubus for the night!