Number Of Partners

So do you know ho wmany nothces your partner racked up before U got together?

Which os you had the higher number and what age were you?

My wife was a virgin when we married.

I have had 6 partners in my entire life.

I'm 68.

I've been with my partner for almost 14 years. I'm 29 and he's 31 now. We were both virgins when we got together and haven't been with anyone else sexually.

yep we were boath virgins when we got togeather she was 21 i was 24

My OH has never told me but I have not actually asked but I don't believe it is too many and he has never wanted to know mine either. We are not too bothered about each others previous partners as long as we are each others last ones.

Proud to say that me and my wife have only been with each other.

My partners don't know how many people I've had sex with. If they ask, I ask them why it matters and they never have a good reason why. I don't ask them either, because it doesn't matter.

The only exception being (potential or active) partners who have little or no sexual experience. In that case, I ask them what they've done, with how many people, how many times, how it felt and what feedback they got. I need to know about those things so I can teach them what they haven't discovered yet.

We both had a couple of partners before meeting in our early 30s. Now just over and just under 50 - age, not number of partners ;-)

I've asked my ex before but we'd been going out 5years at the time I actually asked for a number. There was always stories but never a number...turned out to be 4 for her...just lots of experiences, which is fair enough. I dread to think of her number now considering I heard stories of threesome after we broke up. Never asked anyone before. Have been asked myself and been told without asking.

How many:

We've only discussed this in an abstract way. Neither of us have ever asked for a number, only offered details of our previous experiences as they're relevant to what we're talking about. We both enjoy the mystery I suppose.

The actual number also varies for us both of us depending on whether you define sex in a hetero PIV sense, or include other forms of sexual encounter.

Which has the higher number:

Not sure. Neither of us see it as relevant to who we are as a couple. I'm glad she had some experience though. She brought some skills to the early days of our relationship ;D

What age:

I was 17. Don't know about my wife. Around the same age I'd say

I'm 38, he's a little older.

Each of us: lost count. Me: hundreds and hundreds of men. Him: over 100 women.

Not enough.

You see I'm nosey. I wanted details of his exes. I got turned on about his conquests actually!

So for me, 5 men and 8 women (including him)

For him, its 14 women (including me)

For me 16 women, for her 2 including me

4 I think for her. She was my first and there's never been any other

It was a 1st time for both of us so none =) During an experimental phase we have both had 1 other sexual partner each but didn't really pursue the lifestyle any further

Me 5, OH 2, but for some reason I am totally in awe of a woman who has racked up the numbers you have and put her on a pedestal to be admired.

She has lost count but thinks it is about 200 or so men, plus a number of women. I've been with 19 women. She is older by 10 years.

I had 3 and he had 5 before we got together. Plus we both had a couple of one night stands when we were in the late teens and early twenties.

I’ve had 3 including my partner.